Christmas concert under the baton of Claudio Cruz ends the year of Camerata Antiqua

The closing concert of the season 2016 spectacles of the Camerata Antiqua of Curitiba, sponsored by the Ministry of culture and by Volvo, happens this weekend, under the baton of renowned violinist Claudio Cruz and participation of soprano, Carla Cottini. Titled ' Joy to the World ', the presentations included in Christmas celebrations, will be … Read more

Chamber Orchestra of the city of Curitiba makes last year's presentations

The chapel Santa Maria Cultural Space receives, This weekend, the last concert of the season 2015 the Chamber Orchestra of Curitiba. The musical direction will be will be the violinist Wiston Ramalho, Alexandre Razera as soloist (Viola), both members of the Camerata Antiqua of Curitiba. The presentations are sponsored by Volvo and take place at … Read more

Thud Loose leads its mixture of rhythms to the theater in Madeira Island

Teatro do Paiol receives next Thursday (22), to 20 hours, the concert of the band Baque Solto: “cinematherapyreligionecarnaval”. Touring five states in Brazil, the band performs in Curitiba with tickets at popular prices. O novo projeto do grupo está sendo realizado com o apoio do Programa de Apoio e Incentivo à CulturaRead more