Sesc Sorocaba celebrates 30 years of Grave

After four years, banda volta ao Brasil tocando grandes clássicos da carreira O Sesc Sorocaba recebe no dia 18, at 8:0 pm, the Grave group. Considered one of the greatest heavy metal bands in the world, in a special show celebrating their 30 year career. Além de apresentar canções do álbum “The mediator betweenRead more

Sesc Sorocaba presents “Yellow Submarine” for children

Show features the soundtrack from the animated Beatles film The B Side Project (BÊ) SESC Sorocaba, that promotes all last Saturday of the month, music shows aimed at assessment of parents, mothers and guardians with babies and toddlers, brings in February presentation of children's musical animated Yellow Submarine, baseada emRead more

Sesc Sorocaba promotes workshop and show with Vera Figueiredo

A member of the band all hours, drummer is known for dedicating himself intensively to the dissemination of Brazilian music The drums will be the focus of February of the Instrumental project, SESC Sorocaba, It aims to encourage the production and presentation of instrumental music in the city and region. And the big star of the event, that will take place on 25 … Read more

Sesc presents Victor and the Gramophone

Featured on the internet, Piracicaba group performs free show With light songs, rhythmic and exciting, the Group of piracicaba, Victor and the Gramophone in the Sesc Sorocaba, on Friday, 19, at 8:0 pm. Highlighted by critics, the band became known to the general public after participating in the Virada Cultural Paulista 2014. The presentation … Read more

Sesc Sorocaba brings puppet theater for adults

Uruguayan artist Rafael Curci proposes a dip in the universe of the writer Franz Kafka Puppet show for adults is the scenic attraction of February at Sesc Sorocaba. The play Kafka Process is displayed on the day 18, at 8:0 pm, in the theater of the unit. Tickets are available at the customer service center and prices vary between … Read more

Tan Nago is the highlight of February's Cio project Earth at Sesc Sorocaba

Artist will release their first album The Crusader Balance Cio project Earth SESC Sorocaba, released in December 2015 with the goal of presenting a series of concerts devoted to artists materials releases city and region, brings in February, on 11, at 8:0 pm, show com o cantorRead more

Graffiti workshops and living pictures are design attractions for "grandparents and grandchildren" at Sesc

Graffiti Artists Sorocabanos, Will Ferreira and Michel Japs present concepts about Art The Sesc Sorocaba project aims to provide the experience of a different and pleasant coexistence between grandparents and grandchildren, seeking integration, joint creation and discoveries, continues in February with new attractions. All activities are free, open to the public … Read more

Ensemble group Italia d'Autore will present classic film soundtracks at Sesc Sorocaba

The set is public and critical success the Italian Ensemble group Italia d'Autore will make a show at Sesc Sorocaba the day 29 January, Friday, at 8:0 pm, at the theatre, in a presentation full of emotion. Tickets are available in the call center and the values vary between R $ 8.50 (entire), R$8,50 (half – for … Read more

Literary meeting at Sesc Sorocaba will have the presence of artists and chronicler

This month's “VaraU” will be mediated by the artist Betu Cury The Sesc Sorocaba project “VaraU” will be very special in January, with the presence of a chronicler, a musician and an artist. The event, which will be held on 21 January, farm, from 19:30 to 21:30, in the herbalists of comedoria, there's like … Read more

Literate programming of Sesc Sorocaba brings debate on Pablo Neruda and intervention

Events will be with educator Francine Ramos and the Realejo Poético group The literature program at Sesc Sorocaba brings, in January, a discussion on the works of Pablo Neruda and a poetic intervention, In addition to the traditional mobile rack with more than 200 books to enjoy. All the attractions are free. During days 16 … Read more