“Harlots” is about respecting women’s choices

"Harlots", theatrical play. Photo: Laura Testa.

Piece by the collective Projeto Gompa, from Porto Alegre, takes to the scene reports of sex workers Meretriz, the new production that Projeto Gompa presents at the 32nd Curitiba Festival was born from the desire to get to know the universe of prostitution in Brazil and brings to the scene reports from sex professionals, taking as a starting point … Read more

Play, book launch and conversation circle at Teatro Popular de Niterói

Daniella D´Andrea. Photo: Disclosure.

On 30 September, the Teatro Popular de Niterói will receive a project that includes a show with the storyteller and actress Daniella D'Andrea, book launch and conversation circle with narrators from the city and region. “The art of self-government”, timeless narrative, provokes reflections on the theme ‘government’ and … Read more

Municipal schools of Paraná coast receive special programming at the end of the school year

Children from the municipalities of Paranaguá, Guaraqueçaba Pontal do Paraná and receive in their schools to play "the land of the people of grace", with the CLA Tripod Trip troupe of many possibilities, the week of 11 to 15 of december. The play, is a free adaptation of the book by Sergio Serrano, portrays a world … Read more

Re-creation of little Red Riding Hood tale will be presented at Sesc Sorocaba

The show mixes puppet manipulation, masks and actors to play These big eyes ", company Mevitevendo, will be presented at the teatro do Sesc Sorocaba the day 20 of december, Sunday, at 4:00 pm. The attraction is a re-creation of a classic children's tale, and has free admission for children up to 12 years. The story … Read more

Play about the Siege of Lapa will be presented at the Curitiba Memorial

The show "Reborn at the siege of Lapa" will be presented this Saturday (14), at 8:0 pm, in the London Theatre-Curitiba Memorial, with free entry. The play, produced by various cultural groups of Lapa, is traditionally staged on the streets, in the month of February, when the city celebrates one of the most important episodes in its history and … Read more

Othello «Brasilian» story in play at Sesc Sorocaba

Show portrays subjects such as inhumanity and racism Othello, Shakespeare character, have your story portrayed in «Brasilian» in the play "Othello and the blonde of Venice or the pancadão of betrayal", from Cia Lona de patchworks, that will be staged in the Amphitheatre of the Sesc Sorocaba the day 11 November, on wednesday, at 8:0 pm. … Read more

"The Red Soldier Agonizes" meets season at the TUC

The play “The Red Soldier Agonizes” is in season at TUC The play “The Red Soldier Agonizes” premiered at the Curitiba Theater Festival and will now be staged in 10 to 12 and of 17 to 19 September, at 19h, the TUC-Theatre of Curitiba. Directed by Rodrigo Bayarsaikhan, the piece is … Read more