CAIXA Cultural São Paulo has Ase – Poetics of Empowerment

unprecedented multimedia exhibition brings imagistic content and collections of six african-Bahian associations - Sons of Gandhy, Ile Aiye, Debra, Muzenza, Didá Courtship and Afro - to discuss beauty and struggle for equality. Between the days 12 November and 19 January, CAIXA Cultural São Paulo welcomes Àse – Poetics of Empowerment, … Read more

Ballet Stagium returns to Rio de Janeiro after a long period away from the Rio Theater Box Nelson Rodrigues

The show "Pictures and Voices", directed by Marika Gidali and Décio Otero, launches the challenge of investigating the Dadaist spirit in our contemporary Teatro Nelson Rodrigues receives CASH, from 05 to 14 October 2018 (Friday to Sunday), a Ballet Stagium, with the show "Pictures and Voices", dirigido por Marika Gidali eRead more

Last week to check out the exhibition "Portinari – The construction of a work "at Caixa Cultural RJ

The exhibition “Portinari – The construction of a work” reaches its last week in Rio de Janeiro Cultural CASH. With free admission, the exhibition can be visited until Sunday, 1st of July, from 10:0 to 9:0 pm. Open to the public on 3 de Mayo, They are over 25 thousand goers. In total, … Read more

Exhibition “Portinari – Construction of a work” It runs until July 1 at Caixa Cultural RJ

They appear 71 studies and models of the works of the artist who was recognized for portraying social inequalities Exposure “Portinari – The construction of a work” continue occupying the space of CAIXA Cultural Rio de Janeiro until July 1. Open to the public on 3 de Mayo, the show was seen … Read more

Exhibition "Portinari - Construction of a work"

Talk with curator Luiz Fernando Dannemann and artist Sergio Campos Luiz Fernando Dannemann, curator of the exhibition “Portinari – The Construction of a Work”, and the artist Sergio Campos, responsible for the sculptures shown in, They will give a lecture day 29 de Mayo, at 18h, the CAIXA Cultural Rio de Janeiro, about Candido Portinari, … Read more

Exhibition unveils the art of Portinari at Caixa Cultural Rio de Janeiro

They will be displayed 70 studies and models of the works of the plastic artist who was recognized for portraying social inequalities After going through Recife, Salvador and Curitiba and be seen by an audience of around 50 thousand people, Rio comes to the unprecedented exhibition “Portinari – The construction of a work” which will stay in … Read more

Book launch “100 photographers focus on Brazil” gathers 100 Chinese and Brazilian photographers, among them Evandro Teixeira and the war correspondent Liu Yu

Book series “China Daily & #8217; s Focus” We've covered several countries such as Russia and Canada arrives in Brazil with more than 200 images of about 100 Chinese and Brazilian photographers whose summary reflection on the culture and the Brazilian people 100 fotógrafos focam o Brasil é um livro de arte bilíngueRead more

Caixa Cultural Rio de Janeiro brings together over 150 works of important Brazilian collections on display

Shows the construction of heritage features reflection on the preservation of heritage in the Cultural box Brazil Rio de Janeiro, from 25 October and 22 th December 2017, exposure to Construction of heritage, featuring more than 150 works among rare documents, paintings and sculptures, assembling an overview of important … Read more

Exhibition at the Cultural Box Rio de Janeiro discusses the relationship of humans with the environment

Series When I Saw - Libraries. Photography by Claudia Jaguaribe.

Concrete nature displays pictures, videos and installations of 17 Brazilian artists and groups the Cultural BOX Rio de Janeiro presents, from 9 September to 12 th November of 2017, Concrete Nature exposure, discussing and deepens a permanent interest in art, in science and philosophy: the relationships of human beings with nature and … Read more