Workshop lembra os 125 anniversary of the death of Maria Bueno

The Gibiteca Curitiba place next Friday (2), at 19h, or workshop "O Portrait of Maria Bueno", consists of lecture and drawing class. The event recalls the 125 anniversary of the murder of this character of Curitiba history who gained fame and notoriety after his death, por ser apontada como intercessora dos pedidos da populaçãoRead more

Municipal Cemetery receives guided visitation in full moon night

Night tour to the Municipal Cemetery São Francisco de Paula. Photo: Doreen Marques.

Next weekend, the Municipal Cemetery São Francisco de Paula will be the scene of an unusual visitation. Armed with flashlights and in full moon night, visitors will be invited to know the story of the first necropolis of Curitiba, as well as their personalities, symbols and curiosities. The guided night tour takes place on Friday, saturday and sunday, (days … Read more