Alliance Française of Rio performs chat with the French journalist and writer Gilles Lapouge

Alliance Française of Rio performs chat with the French journalist and writer Gilles Lapouge followed the release of his book “Dictionary of passionate Brazil”. The event is part of the official calendar of the celebrations of 130 anos da Aliança Francesa no Brasil Livro mescla linguagem literária com reportagem, testing and chronic, e retrata o país deRead more

Franco-Brazilian photographer pays tribute to dance and musicality of Rio in unprecedented exhibition at the Alliance Française

Franco-Brazilian photographer pays homage to the dance and musicality carioca on display in French Alliance Emmanuelle Bernard invites to a stroll through samba, dancing charm, street carnival, hip-hop coming to the small step on the show Ginga, que também virou livro A Galeria da Aliança Francesa, Botafogo, opens on 9 April, … Read more

French show at the Carnival their Love by Samba and Rio by Anna Accioly

French show your love for the Carnival Samba and Rio by Anna Accioly THIS SATURDAY THE PARADE Ulala ROCK HONORS BLOCK 130 YEARS OF ALIANÇA FRANCESA ON RIO AND 450 YEARS OF JANUARY Saturday RIVER, 14, from 2pm Gathering near Copacabana Fort (in front of the Softel) For the eighth … Read more

Winners of the Contest of Photography Alliance Française will be Awarded Today by Carolina Oliveira

Photography Alliance Française Contest Winners will be Awarded Today by Carolina Oliveira's photo contest winners Prix Photo Web Alliance Française 2014 will be awarded on Wednesday, 26, during the vernissage of the exhibition of the photos of the issue of winners 2013 The first place chosen by the official jury was Brunno Covello, com a belíssima sérieRead more

Alliance Francaise Opens Exhibition at Museu Ciência e Vida by Carolina Oliveira

Alliance Francaise Opens Exhibition at Science Museum and Life by Carolina Oliveira Concern for preserving the environment is a matter of free exhibition presented by Alliance Française DESIGNED BY THE AUTHOR AND HISTORIAN FRENCH JEAN PIERRE Gueno, A EXPOSIÇÃO FAZ REFERÊNCIA ÀS REFLEXÕES DE ANTOINE DE SAINT-EXUPÉRY EM RELAÇÃO À DESTRUIÇÃO DO PLANETA NA CLÁSSICARead more

French Alliance honors French theater show based on the work of Jean-Louis Fournier by Carolina Oliveira

French Alliance honors French theater show based on the work of Jean-Louis Fournier

Alliance Française French honors with a show based on the work of Jean-Louis Fournier by Carolina Oliveira to PLAY “OU is a VA, PAPA?” MIND THE STORY OF FATHER OF TWO HANDICAPPED CHILDREN AND WILL BE HELD IN THE DAYS 16 And 17, NAS UNIDADES DE BOTAFOGO E TIJUCA Aliança Francesa do Rio de Janeiro realiza duas apresentações gratuitasRead more