Rolé Carioca expands shares in 2021: residents' memories, reflections on the city and film shows are on the program

The city as a stage where the lives of millions of people happen, daily and in practice. What city do we live in? What city do we want? How to make it more inclusive and aggregating? Rolé Carioca starts the year with a series of actions that expand its activities and propose to rethink the relationship between the individual and the urban space.

webinar, movie show, affective cartography workshops in Maré, expansion of the Map of Memories and, of course, the already established tours guided by history teachers mark the beginning of the project in 2021 in March, birthday month of Rio de Janeiro.


Rolé Carioca starts its activities in 2021 consolidating itself as a multifaceted platform of culture and knowledge about the city. The programation, digital and face-to-face, goes far beyond the already traditional and always popular tours of different parts of the city and unfolds in debates, show movie, reflections and listening to residents and their memories.

The intense schedule starts at the beginning of the month with the webinar roll talk, which features names like MC Carol, Taina de Paula, Doralyce, Sil Bahia and Mother Celina de Xangô and will be held between the 1st and 04 March, always at 19 hours, on Rolé's YouTube channel and on the project's Facebook.

The purpose of the roll talk is to listen to people who practice and think about the city, exploring contrasts, discussing aspects of cultural identity, addressing different narratives, making inequalities explicit and investigating views on themes made invisible in official narratives.


Following, from day 09 March, CineCidades online show begins, that presents films that dialogue with the urban theme, addressing issues such as housing, Heritage, right to the city, public policies and cultural identity, among others.

The show, that takes place in partnership with Toca o Barco Produções, proposes to present a cut of contemporary audiovisual production on the city of Rio de Janeiro, its plurality and contradictions, with films produced from the years 2000.

The show, Free and 100% virtual, is curated by filmmaker Emílio Domingos, you selected 17 movies, between short and feature films, that will be available on the show's Vimeo channel. Ten debates will be held throughout 3 weeks – all translated into pounds – with directors, directors and guests. More information on

Listening and Telling Stories

The program continues with the call for residents and visitors to tell their stories on the Map of Memories, a natural and affective unfolding of Rolé that invests in the protagonism of ordinary people and their experiences.

Now available on the project website, the platform is collaborative and aims to create a plural and representative map of the relationship between people and the city. More information on

“It is very important for us, after eight years telling stories and bringing little-known narratives about the city, listen to what people have to say: your experiences, experiences, analyzes, you demands…”, invite Isabel Seixas, creator of Rolé Carioca. “We are going to inaugurate this new phase of the project by proposing the exercise of listening, listening to locals and visitors, exchanging ideas and dialoguing with the aim of contributing to a more pluralistic city”, ends.

Workshops held in Maré will be the first action to collect reports in 2021, carried out in partnership with Redes da Maré, where residents will be invited to share their stories and experiences in the territory. Collection of testimonials and stories from residents in other parts of the city will take place throughout the year, as face-to-face actions are released in order to protect the population from the pandemic.

And how could it not be, tours have a guaranteed place in Rolé's annual program: will be ten over 2021. The first takes place at the end of March, in a dialogue with the CineCidades exhibition, going through a route through the street cinemas that were epoch in the city (some still exist and resist!). The tour is virtual and presented by historians William Martins and Roberta Baltar.

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The new tour format was implemented in 2020 in respect of the protocols imposed by the covid-19 pandemic and continued to mobilize the rolezeiros who accompany the face-to-face itineraries since the beginning of the project. The virtual tour takes place on the day 28 March, to 10 hours in the morning on the Zoom platform, also broadcast on the project's social networks.

About Rolé Carioca

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Multiplatform project of culture and knowledge about Rio de Janeiro, Rolé Carioca adds a rich collection of stories, curiosities, facts and characters collected in almost a decade dedicated to people, to the memory and culture of the city.

The museum was created in 2013 from face-to-face tours through different itineraries, telling stories about Rio and its characters, Rolé Carioca expands its operations in 2021 dedicated to listening to stories of residents and bringing reflections on the urban space through actions such as the Map of Memories, the Papo de Rolé webseminar and the CineCidades film show – merging virtual and face-to-face programming, adapted to the pandemic moment.

For his trajectory, Rolé Carioca was one of the winners of 2019 Rodrigo Melo Franco de Andrade Award, granted by IPHAN to initiatives for the preservation and dissemination of historical and cultural heritage.

About M’Barakå Studio (UM-BA-RA-KAT) - Director and creator of the project

Created 14 years by Isabel Seixas and Diogo Rezende, the M'Baraká studio develops multiple projects with professionals from different segments and stands out for its methodology, that involves creation, search, strategic planning and art direction. Since 2013, economist Larissa Victorio is part of society.

The group's projects are unique, focused on creating relevant experiences, that generate knowledge and value for their audiences:

Rolé Carioca is sponsored by Estacio and the National Electric System Operator (U.S), co-sponsorship of First RH Group and Shift Service Management and support from Lecca, of the World Congress of Architecture and the City Hall of Rio de Janeiro.

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