Cultural program for grandparents and grandchildren is option in Sesc Sorocaba


Watercolor course, movie display and workshop are some of the attractions

It's vacation time. Time to strengthen ties with the family, try the new, play and have fun. The project "grandparents and grandchildren", SESC Sorocaba, will be held during the period from 11 from January to 26 February and search integration, joint creation and discovery among seniors and their grandchildren, promoting a long coexistence, pleasure and affection. All the attractions are free.

The artist Joaquim Marques will Minister the course "Watercolor Painting", in the days 12 and 26/1 and 2, 16 and 23/2, Tuesdays, the 2:30 pm to 5:30 pm, the hall 2. This experience will present the basic techniques of watercolor, its main materials and the possibilities of effects, as the transparency and luminosity. The images created are inspired by the words of poems, short texts and the individual stories of each participant. Those interested must register in advance at the Sesc Sorocaba. The course is sequential, and then, It is essential the presence all the days of the activity.

Joaquim Marques, autor desta pintura, ministrará curso de aquarela para avós e netos no Sesc Sorocaba. Foto: Divulgação.
Joaquim Marques, the author of this painting, Minister watercolor course for grandparents and grandchildren at Sesc Sorocaba. Photo: Disclosure.

Sérgio Rocha, of Cla. Bards of the body, will teach the art of "body percussion", in the days 13 and 27/1 and 3, 10 and 24/2, the 4th, the 2:30 pm to 4:00 pm, in the living area. The living is to unite the techniques of body percussion, voice and movement to compose various rhythms and sequences. The intention is to develop the musical and rhythmic perception, stimulating the motor coordination and the bug in Group. This attraction is sequentially and requires the presence during all day event.

"My memoirs in poetry", with the narrator of stories Vivian Catenacci, will be the attraction of days 14 and 28/1 and 4, 18 and 25/2, the 5th, the 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm, the hall 2. The event invites the public to make poetic with the wheels of verse. Triggered by the melodies of traditional songs, memories rescued by participants inspire the composition of quadrinhas to sing lightly. The attraction is sequentially.

A narradora de histórias Vivian Catenacci participará do projeto 'Avós e Netos'. Foto: Zaqueu Proença.
The narrator of stories will participate in the project ‘ Catenacci Vivian grandparents and grandchildren ’. Photo: Zacchaeus Proença.

The team from the corner of the Garden will promote the "painting with natural paints", on 15 January, Friday, at 3:0 pm, in the living room workshops. The activity will consist in the use of plants, land and other elements for the fabrication of natural non-toxic paints for the painting and modeling. To participate, simply remove the entry with 1 hour in advance in the call center.

Physical activity instructors of the Sesc Sorocaba will offer an "open Lesson of General Gymnastics", in the days 16 and 30/1 and 13 and 27/2, Saturdays, the 1:30 pm to 3:00 pm, in the living area. This will be an intergenerational experience on the different sport possibilities, artistic works, body and folk to mode trial. The practice involves people of all ages and different abilities, and encourages the emotional relationships and creative. To participate, just sign up at the time and place of activity.

A animação 'Contos da Noite' será exibida no Sesc Sorocaba. Foto: Divulgação.
The animation ‘ night Tales’ will be displayed at Sesc Sorocaba. Photo: Disclosure.

The film "Tales of the night" (2011), directed by Michel Ocelot, will be displayed on the day 26 January, third, at 4:00 pm, at the theatre. In the plot, every night, a girl, a boy and an old man found in a small cinema, that appears to be abandoned. Inside, the three make up stories, write, draw, dress up costumes and have fun. They create various magical stories passed on a night where everything is possible. The session is free, and to participate, simply remove the ticket on the day and place of activity.

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Watercolor painting
With Joaquim Marques, plastic artist
Days 12 and 26/1 and 2, 16 and 23/2, Tuesdays, the 2:30 pm to 5:30 pm. Sequential.
Local: Sesc Sorocaba, room 2, Rua Barão de Piratininga, 555, College Garden
Rating: free
Value: free (Advance registration at call center)
20 vacancies
Body Percussion
With Sérgio Rocha, of Cla. Bards of the body
Days 13 and 27/1 and 3, 10 and 24/2, the 4th, the 2:30 pm to 4:00 pm. Sequential.
Local: Sesc Sorocaba, living area, Rua Barão de Piratininga, 555, College Garden
Rating: free
Value: free
40 vacancies
My memoirs in poetry
With Vivian Catenacci, Narrator of stories
Days 14 and 28/1 and 4, 18 and 25/2, the 5th, the 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm. Sequential.
Local: Sesc Sorocaba, room 2, Rua Barão de Piratininga, 555, College Garden
Rating: free
Value: free (Advance registration at call center)
30 vacancies
Painting with natural paints
With the garden Corner
Day 15/1, Friday, at 3:0 pm.
Local: Sesc Sorocaba, Workshop room, Rua Barão de Piratininga, 555, College Garden
Rating: free
Value: free (withdrawal of tickets with one hour in advance in the call center)
50 vacancies
Open class General gymnastics
Physical activity instructors of the Sesc Sorocaba
Days 16 and 30/1 and 13 and 27/2, Saturdays, the 1:30 pm to 3:00 pm.
Local: Sesc Sorocaba, living area, Rua Barão de Piratininga, 555, College Garden
Rating: free
Value: free (entries in the time and place of activity)
60 vacancies
View the film "Tales of the night"
(Direction: Michel Ocelot. FRA, 2011, DVD. 84 min).
Day 26/1, third, at 4:00 pm.
Local: Sesc Sorocaba, theater, Rua Barão de Piratininga, 555, College Garden
Rating: free
Value: free (withdrawal of tickets on the day and place of activity)

275 places


Parking lot:
For enrolled at Sesc = R$ 4,00 the first hour and R$ 1,00 for additional time.

Not Enrolled = R $ 8,00 the first hour and R$ 2,00 for additional time.

More info:
(15) 3332-9933 or

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