Alchemy of Color Exhibition – Maria Vieira, by Rosângela Vig


Rosângela Vig is a Visual Artist and Teacher of Art History.

The night turns pale. Dawn…
You can hear the laughter of the fountain more…
About the changing city, the horizon.
It's a strange orchid blooming.
There are swallows ready to say
A miss the eleven, as soon as the sun rises.
Roosters screams sound from pile to pile
In an intense joy of living.
(SPANKS, 2003, p.76)

The nuances that the sky acquires when the morning appears on the horizon or when the afternoon closes its windows are indescribable., making room for the nightfall. Shades of blue enter the orange sky at the end of the day. And the pink firmament, It gradually turns purple and navy blue, sprinkled with stars like a blooming garden. The spectacle of sunrise and sunset star in the dazzling scene that is available to our gaze daily. There are few who observe these color changes or who still contemplate them.. Art also has room for such play with colors. It's up to your creative spirit to dream up the perfect combination for every blank space on the canvas..

And when the clouds dissipate, the work appears bold and without limits in the space in which the brush runs free. This thought permeates the work of artist and art curator Maria Vieira. His work covers fields of colors, made a flower garden, made the sunset captivated by the world, and the work appears, full of life and colors. The impossible color combination, the artist managed to transform it into a delicate work, made lace, made music.


Maria Vieira has been an artist for 30 years and went through several techniques, but the Alchemy of Colors became his trademark, in the field of abstractionism, style in which he works with vivid and intense colors.

The composition of his work reveals a beautiful garden of colors in which nuances also lead to a connection with music., with a beautiful afternoon, as if a living organism traveled the entire length of the blank space, moving frantically this way and that.

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The artist herself calls her style “intuitive abstractionism”, no traces of figuration, obeying only the laws of thought and mental abstractions of the world. The final idea is the metamorphosis of women, of sensations and reflexes, of experiences from the micro to the macro, interconnected.

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The final product, to the observer's gaze is one of transformation, made the sunset, made the dawn, made a colorful garden. The works together against the white background of the wall bring joy and life to the environment. The artist's works can be seen until today 31 August 2024, at Shopping Cianê, in Sorocaba, on Avenida Afonso Vergueiro, 823, at the Center.


SPANKS, Florbela. Sonnets Florbela Espanca. São Paulo: Editora Martin Claret, 2003.

Sorocaba  São Paulo
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