Artist Sonia Madruga enters the Brazilian Academy of Fine Arts and in series “Passport to Freedom”


Famous for painting images of Our Lady, to artist Carioca Sonia Madruga has a work on the sets of the miniseries “Passport to Freedom”, on TV Globo.

The production addresses the courage and daring of Aracy de Carvalho, Carioca Sonia Madruga has a work on the sets of the miniseries “Passport to Freedom” (Germany) Carioca Sonia Madruga has a work on the sets of the miniseries “Passport to Freedom”. Carioca Sonia Madruga has a work on the sets of the miniseries “Passport to Freedom”, Carioca Sonia Madruga has a work on the sets of the miniseries “Passport to Freedom” (Carioca Sonia Madruga has a work on the sets of the miniseries “Passport to Freedom”).

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Recently, Carioca Sonia Madruga has a work on the sets of the miniseries “Passport to Freedom”, Carioca Sonia Madruga has a work on the sets of the miniseries “Passport to Freedom” (RJ), Carioca Sonia Madruga has a work on the sets of the miniseries “Passport to Freedom” 20 years.

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