Álvaro Azzan – "Recycling the art" by Edmundo Chandra

Edmundo Cavalcanti is a Visual Artist, Art Columnist and Poet.
Edmundo Cavalcanti is a Visual Artist, Art Columnist and Poet.

“As a principle, Azzan have creative freedom, that through the forms, of colors and themes; his works are developed. For each work, a unique situation, Here comes the theme within a theme, techniques can arise, materials and different styles, It's as if each work to be performed in such a way, as if it had a life of its own, where it's up to him as an artist unravel what and how the work wants to be materialized, This is how the artist views the art of creation. "

Even without knowing personally the artist, You can feel the energy that emanates from his works, for its shapes and colours, for his work for the sake of art, sustainability and recycling.

Álvaro Azzan

Álvaro Azzan is an artist.
Álvaro Azzan is an artist.

Where did you born?

Campinas, 23 June 1970.

How and when you give your first contact with the Arts?

At the age of 3,4 years old.

I remember the collection "good night", are Illustrated children's books that my mother read before I sleep, I couldn't read and kept listening and looking at the illustrations of the book.

How did you find this gift?

From the final 3, 4 years until the 12 my mother kept more than 500 sulfite paper drawings, Today there are some 300 These drawings stored here with me.

What are your main influences?

The influence is in everything from birth and we open our eyes what we listen to and the environment where we grew up.

In art there are the Brothers in Universe, This Sorority is beyond time and space, It's an affinity of critical spirit, of view about life, in Brothers possess many artists, Philosophers, Musicians, Writers, Poets.

What materials do you use in your works?

All inks, Madeira, Scrap, Objects, Metal, Glass, Ceramics, Paper, Fabric.

Work of Álvaro Azzan. Photo: Paul Ely.
Work of Álvaro Azzan. Photo: Paul Ely.

What is your creative process itself? What inspires you?

For each work, a unique situation, Here comes the theme and within a same techniques can arise, materials and different styles, It's as if each work to be performed in such a way, as if it had a life of its own, where it's up to him as an artist to unveil what it's like to work wants to be materialized.

This is how the artist views the art of creation, After all art is unreal and unanswerable.

What inspires me: The Life, Plants, Animals, The Moon and the Sun.

When you started effectively to produce or create your works?

From 1992 spent to produce often and from 2004 Every day.

Work of Álvaro Azzan. Photo: Paul Ely.
Work of Álvaro Azzan. Photo: Paul Ely.

Art is an intellectual production exquisite, where emotions are embedded in the context of creation, but in art history, we see that many artists are derived from other, following technical and artistic movements through time, you own any model or influence of any artist? Who would be?

Anonymous artists of the rock paintings.

Indigenous Arts.

African Arts.

All art and Artists, Visual artist, architects, writers, poets and musicians.

Work of Álvaro Azzan. Photo: Paul Ely.
Work of Álvaro Azzan. Photo: Paul Ely.

What does art mean to you? If you were to summarize in a few words the meaning of Arts in your life…

In "Life the artist seeks, has and is in art, the soul, the answer, the technique and excellence ".

What techniques do you use to express their ideas, feelings and perception about the world? (Whether it is through painting, sculpture, drawing, collage, photography… or uses several techniques in order to make a mix of different art forms).

Work of Álvaro Azzan. Photo: Paul Ely.
Work of Álvaro Azzan. Photo: Paul Ely.

I produce drawings, screens and sculptures; also, today works towards recycling; My wife is an architect, therefore always have materials available, that arise on a daily basis and await their turn to be used, because it will be part of any work in any event.

I consider this very important issue, not only in the area of construction, but also in all sectors of recycling, mainly in the area of information technology, where the old plates and overcome are usually not reused definitely and millions go to the trash. Obviously, nature thanks if we can give a purpose, even when your order is the art, a noble destiny for the eyes; some thus consider, but others unfortunately do not see.

The art is in all aspects of these problems, just decipher with other eyes; can be a nice theme, a war, a controversial subject, a good event of everyday life, anyway, everything is cause to dedicate his soul artist in the creation.

"For each work, a unique situation, Here comes the theme and within a same techniques can arise, materials and different styles, It's as if each work to be performed in such a way, as if it had a life of its own, where it's up to him as an artist unravel what and how the work wants to be materialized ".

Every artist has his mentor, that person whom you mirrored that encouraged and inspired you to follow this career you, going ahead and taking your dreams the other expression levels, who this person is and how it introduced you in the art world?

My Father and My Mother encouraged from childhood.

And currently my wife Ione Hayashi and my friends Brothers Frederick Grassano (in memoriam), Alexander Armellini, Dr. Gilson Barreto.

Work of Álvaro Azzan. Photo: Paul Ely.
Work of Álvaro Azzan. Photo: Paul Ely.

You have another activity beyond art? You give lessons, lectures etc.?

My activities in addition to the Visual Arts:

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Work in projects of architecture and landscape architecture.

The activities include the exhibitions, halls, contests, illustrations, mountings of art exhibitions and museums, charity auctions, Coordinator and cultural consultant.

Work of Álvaro Azzan. Photo: Paul Ely.
Work of Álvaro Azzan. Photo: Paul Ely.

Its major national and international exhibitions and their awards?

I consider All important because each one has its particularity and uniqueness.

The Exhibitions can be seen and followed the link: www.azzan.com.br/Eventos/eventos.html

Will be updated next month, because there are exhibitions from July 2014 until today.

Work of Álvaro Azzan. Photo: Paul Ely.
Work of Álvaro Azzan. Photo: Paul Ely.

Your plans for the future.

Live and Produce.

WebSite: www.azzan.com.br

Facebook: www.facebook.com/alvaro.azzan


Videos about the artist:

www.youtube.com/watch?v = u51kGvhRcKI

www.youtube.com/watch?v = xu3hTNTW-uc

www.youtube.com/watch?v = n1-4WZPQER0


Atelier Vivaz:

Address: Rua Dr. Samapio Ferraz, 542 – Neighborhood: Cambuí – Campinas – SP – Brasil.

E-mail: vivazatelier@hotmail.com

Phone: (0XX19) 3254-4529




São Paulo – Brasil
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Columnist at Website Obras de Arte
E-mail: cavalcanti.edmundo@gmail.com

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