A little known technique is the pointillism, It is widely used by plastic artist Izabel Litieri. I had the pleasure and the privilege of getting to know their work and the artist, in an exhibition in which she participated with some of his works, I was really very impressed by this technique, by the professionalism and the great person of the artist. That's when I decided, do this matter with her.
Pointillism (also called divisionism) is a painting technique, output of the Impressionist movement, in that small patches or spots of color cause, the juxtaposition, an optical mixture in the eye of the observer (image). This technique is based on the law of complementary colors, scientific advancement fueled in the 19th century, by chemist Michel Chevreul. This is an extreme consequence of the alleged teachings of the Impressionists, According to which the colors should be juxtaposed and not between merged, leaving the retina the task of rebuilding the desired tone by the painter, combining the various recorded impressions..
The technique of using colored dots juxtaposed also may be considered the culmination of the contempt of the Impressionists by line, since this is only an abstraction of Man to represent nature..
This technique was created in France, with big push of Georges Seurat and Paul Signac, in 19TH century. Source: Wikipedia.

Izabel Litieri, Brasileira, born in São Paulo, capital, formed by Panamerican School of Arts (1981).
She began her artistic production exploring, at acrylic technique, the geometric-figurative, predominantly in monochrome context. Later came the phase of pastel and watercolor, developing some experiments taking these techniques to screen. Currently engaged in the pointillism through acrylic on canvas and the use of pens-screen block brush.
The constant theme involving the nature, their animals and landscapes- especially as regards Brazil – is a characteristic trait of his work. The art is lived in communion with the search for equilibrium with the forces of nature, that inspire the creation and transport the artist for the contact with the essence (the soul).
How and when you give your first contact with the Arts?
In the classroom of elementary school; I watched the drawing lessons. My mom enrolled me in a course of artistic design when I had 14 years and there I had my first contact with the plastic arts.
What are your main influences?
The Impressionists, Why, as they, I love to paint what is beautiful.
When you started with the pointillism?
In 2004 during a vacation trip, I didn't take my drawing material and felt like to draw. I was on a beach almost deserted with few resources, the only material found was a sketch book and pens hydrocory, then I remembered the pointillism who had studied on Panamericana. Like the result of pens and continued with more suitable materials, up to the present day. It's a technique that fascinates me in spite of the problems I've been experiencing as a result of repetitive motions. The challenge of seeing a white screen gently go turning into a work is very fascinating.
What materials do you use in your works?
I use acrylic paint, pastel, watercolor and pen brush. As surface using screens and screen blocks.
What is your creative process itself? What inspires you?
Most often my inspiration comes with a theme set and an image. Other times, through pictures that I shot of sites that I like and that inspire me. I love doing landscapes, alias, just pay attention in nature that have infinite models for work. I love to paint the great masters doing a rereading of its magnificent works. Is an enjoyable way to learn a little more.
When you started effectively to produce or create your works?
At the beginning of my learning in the Pan-american School of Arts, just over 30 years. During this period I began to outline the parameters of what I now call my style..
Art is an intellectual production exquisite, where emotions are embedded in the context of creation, but in art history, we see that many artists are derived from other, following technical and artistic movements through time, do you own any model or influences of an artist? Who would be?
Seurat and Signac I appreciate that were the precursors of Pointillism.
What does art mean to you?
The art is part of my life all the time, It is through her that I'm increasingly aware of the greatness of being alive. Running my work have the opportunity to get in touch with my essence and pass through strokes the sensations of peace, happiness and filling, that gives a special meaning to my existence. I thank the Universe for the little gift to me and I hope I can, through my work, take some people to experience contact with their best part – our soul.
What techniques do you use to express their ideas, feelings and perceptions about the world?
I know I could through my Art to express our doubts, our conflicts and our claims, but I chose to draw attention to the more subtle side of life, and feel accomplished so.
Do you have another job besides painting? You give lessons, lectures etc?
Yes, I am an entrepreneur, work with cosmetics. In the background, both have a lot in common: the essence is beauty.
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I've given many drawing lessons, but the time I have left is to make my artworks.
About the lectures, I haven't had much time to fit them into my schedule, but, time for another, Army still such activity. As well as in my artwork, I propose through these lectures create an opportunity for people to get out of the everyday mechanic and come into contact with the essence. Often the lectures occur simultaneously to the exhibitions of my works.

The feel and action of the Artist that performs:
"The pointillism gives us opportunity to free ourselves of the many existing techniques and feel the immediate effect of colors on paper completely white, forming several drawings through contrasts ".
"To our various masters who through the daring us other ways of expressing the art that comes from the soul, my many thanks and my deep admiration. "
Izabel Litieri
Check out more works:
Major national and international exhibitions.
Izabel already did several exhibitions since 2011, but let's see the latest:
- Solo exhibition colors of Soul-Vila Madalena Subway Stations and Santa Cecilia – 2015
- Tribute to women's day – satellite Club Campos do Jordão – 2015
- Look feminine in the Arts – Cultural Centre Master Ahmed – 2015
- Tides and colors – Shopping N1 – 2015
- II National Exhibition of fine arts of Santos-Pinacoteca Benedicto Calixto – 2015
- X Special Plastic Arts Salon-military museum – 2014
- Art in focus – Novotel Jaragua Space Clóvis Graciano – 2014
- XVII International Cultural Exchange of art and artists are award-winning Salon X publishers of the universe across Continents – São Paulo Art Space – 2014
- Art 117: Paintings and collages-the House Look Luiz Sacilotto – 2014
- Color display a park – Entrecores Art Space – 2014
- VII Salon of plastic arts ABD and historic home of Marshal Deodoro da Fonseca-historic home of Marshal Deodoro da Fonseca – 2014
- X National Exhibition of fine arts 100 years of the Fort of Copacabana-Copacabana Fort – 2014
- 25º Shows modern and contemporary art-Padova Fiere- 2014
- Exhibition “Parallel Universe I” – Uruguay Space – 2014
- Collective exhibition “Arceburgo in focus II” Bric a Brac – Galeria – 2014
- IV International exhibition of Visual Arts HOW-Esporte Clube Pinheiros – 2014
- Art exhibition in the mountain-Hotel Satellite – 2014
- 28TH Salon of plastic arts Arceburgo MG – Instituto Histórico e Cultural de Arceburgo – 2014
- Solo exhibition colors of Soul-FUNCADI – 2014
- The Brazil and its riches in the World Cup – Lakau Restaurant – 2014
- Cool project – Cultural Centre Federal Court of Rio de Janeiro – 2014
- The World Cup in Brazil – Novotel Jaragua – 2014
- Individual Virtual Exhibition Colorful Moments despite the mystery of life – www.ngarteprodutoracultural.com.br
- Awarded 1st Exhibition Hall Novotel Jaragua-Hotel Satellite – 2014
- Exhibition Tanto Mar -House of Portugal – 2014 (Vernissage)
- 1º Salon of plastic arts Novotel Jaragua-Novotel Jaragua/SP- 2014
- Display the colours of Brazil-Bia Macaé/coffee-Gallery 2014
- Autumn exhibition – Club Transatlântico/SP – 2014
- One-man show colorful Moments despite the mystery of life-Alto do Ipiranga Subway/Jardim São Paulo and Santa Cecilia- 2014
- Exhibition Revelry in the foot and ball in the net-Gallery Coffee Journal/SP – 2014
- International Art Biennale of Rome -Italy- 2014
- Summer exhibition-Esporte Clube Satellite – Itanhaém, SP – 2014
Some national and international awards latest:
- Top Quality at work “Art for all” – 2015
- Contemporary Painting by trophy IV Salon of plastic arts and literature of ABD and Artistic Cultural Circle of Saquarema – 2015
- Paint Trophy by Salon of plastic arts and literature of ABD and VICKY – IV Saci in Buzios – 2015
- Abrasci award by the 1st Salon of plastic arts Novotel Jaragua – 2014
- 51st place in the category “Painting” – Bienal de Arte de Rome/Italy- 2013 – Receives homage in the painting category at the 4th Salon of plastic arts ABD- 2013
- Quality Award in the category Artist – 2013
- Receives homage in the painting category at the 4th Salon of plastic arts ABD – 2013

E-mail: contato@izabellitieri.art.br
WebSite: www.izabellitieri.art.br
Facebook Fan Page: www.facebook.com/artistaizabellitieri
São Paulo – Brasil
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E-mail: cavalcanti.edmundo@gmail.com
Pointillism art of Izabel Litieri by Edmund Chandra http://t.co/GMugbypuEU
Pointillism art of Izabel Litieri – Read… http://t.co/wGPFFJA0zN