Crafts in Ribeirão Preto: Tradition and Local Creativity

Crafts in Ribeirão Preto: Tradition and Local Creativity. Photo:

Crafts in Ribeirão Preto emerge as a living expression of local identity and creativity. Ribeirão Preto, city ​​located in the heart of the state of São Paulo, is recognized by many as an important economic and cultural hub. Strolling through the city's historic streets and fairs, it is possible to immerse yourself in an enchanting world … Read more

Iecine opens registration for the Screenplay Workshop

Iecine opens registration for the Screenplay Workshop. Photo: Alexi Pelekanos/Disclosure.

Free and online activity takes place from 12 from July to 12 August 2022 The Secretary of Culture (Sedac), through the State Film Institute (Iecine), open enrollment for the Screenplay Workshop, of the professional training project Revealing Rio Grande. The activity will be taught by the screenwriter and director, Marcela Ilha … Read more

20º Arte Fato brings female creativity in the arts and its importance in politics

Kika Ribeiro. Photo: Disclosure.

Arte Fato reaches its 20th Edition and brings female creativity in the arts and its importance in politics into the program Arte Fato Its theme for the next edition: "International Women's Day of Struggle" The stage will be theirs. from the first program, Arte Fato seeks gender parity in its programming, but … Read more

II Artistic Seminar of the Triângulo das Artes

II Artistic Seminar of the Triângulo das Artes, featured. Disclosure.

The event is a collective initiative of Contemporâneos Galeria de Arte, Art 4 Alphonsus Art Gallery and House & Galeria The event is a collective initiative of Contemporâneos Galeria de Arte, Art 4 Alphonsus Art Gallery and House & Gallery and aims to ease the impacts of the pandemic on the artistic class and in this edition, will have … Read more

2ª Bienal Black Brazil Art opens registration

2ª Bienal Black Brazil Art, poster - featured. Painting "I Am Here", Susan Mendes. Disclosure.

Event runs from January to March 2022 in online format They are open until the day 30 of October the submissions of artworks for the 2nd Bienal Black Brazil Art (2BiennialBlack). With the theme Cartography and Hybridism of the Female Body: Visual and Affective Representation, the event seeks creations by individual and collective contemporary artists, … Read more

The premiere of a musical show and the release of an unpublished translation of Inferno pay homage to the 700 years since Dante Alighieri's death

In June, a preview of the musical work was presented for free at the Dante virtual soiree 700. In the photo, the composer and violinist Vagner Cunha and the tenor Flávio Leite. Photo: Bell’Anim Productions / Disclosure.

On 14 September, the public will be able to watch the world premiere of the concert A Paixão de Dante, composed by Vagner Cunha; and discover the commemorative edition of the book with an unpublished translation by José Clemente Pozenato In homage to the 700 anos da morte do Italian poet Dante Alighieri, which will be completed the next day 14 September, a Bell’Anima … Read more

Last days of registration for the course Data Organization and Construction of Indicators for Cultural Management

CCJF Cultural Festival at Home. Disclosure.

There are just a few days to go before the enrollment deadline for the course Data Organization and Construction of Indicators for Cultural Management, taught by Daniele Dantas, promoted by the CCJF. The course will be on the days 23 and 25 August, from 18h to 21h. The course will introduce students to ways to organize data, build up … Read more

Flávia Cardoso Soares Auctions: 3º Auction Curatorship Marcos Sancovsky – Furniture and Objects

Flávia Cardoso Soares Auctions: 3º Auction Curatorship Marcos Sancovsky – Furniture and Objects, featured. Disclosure.

3º Auction Curatorship Marcos Sancovsky – Furniture and Objects Dias 11 and 12 August at 5:00 pm AUCTIONEER Flávia Cardoso Soares – JUCESP Nº 948 Some highlighted lots [button color =”blue” size =”medium” link =”″ target =”blank” ]CHECK OUT![/button] [divider] Follow our social networks: Instagram: @FlaviaCardosoSoaresLeiloes Facebook: Facebook / FlaviaCardosoSoaresLeiloes [divider]   Doubts, entrem em contato conosco pelosRead more

CCBB Educativo do Rio celebrates the Day of Brazilian Folklore and offers online and in-person activities for all audiences

To participate it is necessary to schedule in advance on the website or on the EVENTIM platform The CCBB Educativo Program – Art & Education develops actions that encourage the experience, creating, research and reflection through pedagogical processes, artistic and curatorial. Every month offers educational visits, courses, workshops, cultural encounters and practices. The activities dialogue … Read more


Italo Moriconi, featured. Photo: Disclosure.

The poet and professor of History of Art Nuno Rau leads a workshop on Poetic Experimentation between 9/8 and 29/11, always on mondays, from 17h to 19h, by Instituto Estação das Letras. The meetings are online and will work with the thought and practice of the poem today: what is the poem? The … Read more