Good childhood memories are also in the decor.

Solar In Modena. Photo: Yticon/ Disclosure.

Color, texture and sensory elements are essential items to ensure comfort and affective memories for little ones in the different stages of childhood If we ask an adult about some of his childhood memories, certainly the memory of toys, das cores e da decoração do quarto estará no topo da lista. Isso não se trata apenasRead more


DIAS DE RECLUSÃO PROJECT - Collection of Arts and Anthology of the “Dias de Reclusão” Project, Flyer, featured. Disclosure.

Children producing Collective Culture of Arts and Anthology of the “Days of Solitude” Project When I met a person who seemed a little lucid to me, I did with her the experience of my number drawing 1, that I've always kept with me. I was wondering if she was truly understanding. But I always answered "It's a hat". So I don't … Read more