African Legends of the Orishas - Pierre Verger + Carybé, exhibition and book launch

Galeria Marcelo Guarnieri São Paulo Commemorative exhibition for the launch of the new edition of the book Lendas Africanas dos Orixás by Pierre Verger and Carybé opening and launch of the book 12 September 2019 / 19h – 22h storytelling Grandma Cici 14 September 2019 / 10h exposure period 12 from … Read more

Exhibition Dorminhocos brings unpublished photos of Pierre Verger to Sesc Santo André

In partnership with Pierre Verger Foundation, unit exposes 98 photographs that depict people sleeping in public places around the world Pierre Verger (1902-1996) was an ethnologist, anthropologist, researcher and above all, photographer, who lived most of his life in Salvador, capital of Bahia. Passionate about popular cultures, Verger produziu registros fotográficos de grande relevânciaRead more