Curitiba receives 3D display for the visually impaired

The Museum of Curitiba City Photography receive, from this Friday (16/3), De Exposure Photography to Tactography, Artist Gabriel Bonfim, Brazilian living in Switzerland. The show is specially designed for the visually impaired through Tactography technology, técnica suíça que escaneia o objeto fotografado e mapeia as proporçõesRead more

“You can borrow my eyes” -shows produced by visually impaired people of Juliana Stein photography workshop – integrates Bienal de Arte de Curitiba

Shows at the public library of Paraná, opens next Saturday, day 21, and sign up 30 December in place of the retina, the thrill of the senses; in the framework of the focus, the perception of the ideal point. The result of this special way of capturing the image is in the exhibition “I lend you my eyes”, that inaugurates … Read more