Alliance Française Rio de Janeiro reopens its gallery with photo exhibition “Fronteiras”

1th place: "Survival of the Fireflies", Osmar Gonçalves dos Reis Filho (Fortress, EC).

Result of the 9th Prix Photo Aliança Francesa – the exhibition will be open for visitation until 15 September at the Alliance Française Gallery Rio de Janeiro. Among the photographers participating in the show are: Osmar Gonçalves dos Reis Filho (Fortress, EC – 1th place) with the series “The Survival of Fireflies”; Kitty Paranaguá (Rio de Janeiro, RJ – 2º … Read more

Postponed to the day 12 the semifinal stage of the 13th edition of the Festival da Canção Aliança Francesa will be broadcast live via facebook and youtube from AF Rio from November

13Edition of Song Festival Alliance Française 2020, selected. Disclosure.

Nova data! The Rio semifinal stage of the 13th edition of the Aliança Francesa Song Festival 2020, date postponed to the month of November with transmission via Facebook and Youtube by AF Rio For technical reasons of logistics, to the live presentations of the eleven selected candidates in Rio de Janeiro take place on the 12 from … Read more

[POSTPONED] The 13th edition of the Aliança Francesa Song Festival 2020 reaches the semifinals virtually, with transmission via Facebook and Youtube from AF Rio

13Edition of Song Festival Alliance Française 2020, selected. Disclosure.

[POSTPONED] The eleven selected candidates in Rio de Janeiro perform at a live event, day 28 October, at 19h, broadcast directly from the auditorium of the Alliance Française Tijuca, adapted to health security measures. The first place of this regional stage competes for the place in the final, in November and the big winner will be … Read more

In one presentation at the Sala Cecilia Meirelles Trio's concert Panossian, Wednesday, 27, ACE 20 Hours

The French Alliances of Brazil with the support of Air France and SPEDIDAM bring to Brazil, Jazz trio "Remi Panossian Trio", in a single presentation at the Sala Cecilia Meirelles, on wednesday, day 27 th November of 2019, at 8:0 pm. The jazz trio French Remi Panossian Trio (RP3) fará uma única apresentação naRead more

The 12th edition of the French Alliance Song Festival 2019 reaches semifinal

Ten candidates perform live at the Alliance Française Tijuca, open to the public event, day 10 October, at 7:30 pm and compete for the spot in the final, que premiará o primeiro colocado com viagem à Paris com acompanhante 12ª edição do Festival da Canção Aliança Francesa Promovido pela Aliança Francesa apoio de Air France eRead more

Prix ​​Photo Alliance Française 2019

"We are seeing the reaffirmation of borders, ever reached desparecer ", Michel Foucher, geographer and French diplomat. France has its largest land border just with Brazil. It is, here, the border in the traditional sense, as limit, March or dividing line between two countries. A line, the principle, invisible to, however, comes … Read more

French Alliance presents the Festival of French song, Award Winner with A week in Paris

The grand finale of the Festival of French song 2015 will be held on the day 10 November, in the theater Maison de France. Admission is free Seven candidates from all over Brazil compete for the grand final of the French Song Festival, on Tuesday, day 10, to 19 h, in the theater Maison de France, in the Center of … Read more

Festival of French song reaches semifinal

Candidates compete for a place in the final that will reward the first place with a week's trip to Paris The semifinal of the French Song Festival will be held on 22 October, Thursday, às 19h30, in the Auditorium of the Alliance Française of Tijuca, with free admission. Este ano a sexta edição do festival divulgou uma listaRead more