Panamericana School of art and Design presents art exhibitions, Photography and Design


Free shows happen in Greenland and
Angelica till the day 29 April

The Panamericana Escola de Arte e Design Open the doors of their headquarters to bring to the public the work of graduates of 2016. The aim of the exhibition is to present an overview of the work developed over the courses, highlighting the creative process and the talent of the students of the school.

Greenland headquarters receives the photo projects, Graphic Design, Digital Design, Advertising and Interior Design. Already the works of fine arts, Fashion design and Animation and Game Design are exposed in the unit Angelica.


SERVICE: Exposure Learners 2016

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Works of: Photography, Visual Arts, Interior design, Fashion design, Digital Design, Advertising, Graphic design and Animation and Game Design.
Even day 29 April 2017 – FREE – OPEN TO THE PUBLIC
Addresses: Headquarters Greenland: Greenland Street, 77, Jardim Paulista
Angelica Headquarters: Av. Angelica, 1900 -Higienópolis

Time: from Monday to Friday, from 9:00 to 8:15 pm, it is Saturday, from 9am to 12pm. Is closed on Sundays and holidays

Information: Tel. (11) 3887.4200 –

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