Registration for the INCAWSA Environmental Short Film and Video Festival


This Festival is being offered by the State Government of Rio de Janeiro, State Secretariat for Culture and Creative Economy and State Culture Fund, through the Culture Present in the Networks Program.

The InCawsa Environmental Short Film Festival, films and videos can show selective collection, reuse of materials, sustainability, preservation and conservation, degradation and pollution of the Environment in an educational way and what is necessary to value Fauna and Flora. The difference is that the films need to be made with the cell phone.

With R $ PREMIUM 300,00 in CASH for the best Movie!


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Even in isolation, we cannot forget the Environment, important to continue remembering and reinforcing how it is fundamental to preserve and conserve Nature, Animals and Reduce Consumption, highlights Ju Yao of the Festival Direction.”

Free registration until day 25 August.

To consult the regulation just enter Instagram @incawsa

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