“Meet the comic Alejandro Gomez:”, by Juliana Vannucchi

Juliana Vannucchi é graduada em Comunicação Social, licenciada em Filosofia e Editora-chefe do site Acervo Filosófico.
Juliana Vannucchi is graduated in Social Communication, has degree in Philosophy and editor-in-chief of the site Acervo Filosófico.

In fact, I'm more a militant agnostic. Perhaps art is my faith”. – A. Gomez.

Of course, worldwide, there are many skilled designers. However, perhaps there is a greater number of players than creators. And it is precisely this aspect that makes the American comic artist Alejandro Gomez is so special: creativity. Through a remarkable intellectual and artistic originality, the American artist gave life to a comic book universe of his own, in which there is a metaphysical-religious background of very interesting that explores the duality of "God" and "Devil" in a manner different from that by which we are accustomed to understand them.

Em “The Leather Of The Whip”, We find a distinguished dark atmosphere which develops a mixture of drama and terror. In the story, God is portrayed as the real cheater and Lucifer as the compassionate who plans to return to the sky carrying the body of Jesus of Nazareth. This narrative is beautifully presented through talent Alejandro Gomez, who designed characters and fascinating scenarios, which in essence is totally distant from the major industry, fact that led the artist, and, to tread their own path and strive to publish your story. With great determination and with a special gift that always moved him to seek realize their dreams, he has come far.


We talked with Alejandro to get to know their influences, its creation and production process, gradually and increasingly, winning admirers and becomes popular.


  1. His comic book was published a few years ago. I would like to comment on how was the process of producing and publishing. Also I wanted to know how long you work professionally as an artist.

I am a professional artist for almost five years. Although I started with the story, “The Leather Of The Whip”, for more than a decade, has been learned in recent years that really what the industry tools. Post something if, It means a lot of research, much trial and several errors. This means that you need to find the right printing company and establish appropriate criteria and digital formats for books in which you are working. We also need to stick to certain details, making the right page count for the size of certain role, among other things that make up the procedure. But the end results are worth. While all this should be easier for those who are more familiar with the technology and even social networks.

  1. Tell us a little about yourself. How old began to sketch his first drawings? Is there anyone in your family who also has artistic talent?

Drawing from my childhood. I come from a long line of artists. My father was the one who helped guide me, and it was he who encouraged my creative efforts. There was always a different style of art being shown and celebrated in my family, ranging from design to music. I am the son of immigrants who moved from Colombia to the United States for more than 60 years. I was born in Anchorage, Alaska, USA, but I was raised in a different state called Arizona, although already make a decade living in Washington State.

  1. In addition to comic books and characters, what else do you like to draw?

My favorite type of drawing are portraits of real life, especially those made from coal. lately, I'm practicing digital.

  1. Besides RCCC, of which other events have you attended?

Besides RCCC, I was in a horror event in Seattle, WA, called "crypticon", I attended the last three years and 2020, I intend to be present again. In addition, for the third year consecultivo, will attend Comic Con Lilac City, em Spokane, WA. In between these events, I worked at smaller conventions and also in some local events.

  1. How is the life of an artist like you in the United States? You can live your own art? I'm just asking for the fact that in Brazil, a person is difficult to get live art - although, of course, possible.

The life of an artist in the United States can be challenging, but at the same time rewarding. Certainly everything becomes even more challenging if you are not in the mainstream, as DC or Marvel. Opportunities exist to sustain a career, then you realize their value. the conventions, artists know very successful in their fields, who settled for years, but still can, eventually, face difficulties. There are common problems, such as, for example, rental payment, health insurance or food. You start small with artistic communities around. Success is certainly not measured only by the financial status. Local artistic communities thrive on the creativity of others and encourage everyone to participate in any form of media or another.

  1. How did this story in "The Leather Of The Whip"? Where did the idea to create it?

The idea for "The Leather Of The Whip" came almost 15 years, when I lived in Seattle. Everything happened simultaneously, because I wanted to create comics and write a story of action and terror. While I thought it, I heard of the Bible passages that were omitted, as the story of "Harrowing Of Hell". It was once said that before Jesus Christ ascended to heaven, he first descended into hell to free all souls. It was then that I began to ask certain questions, such as: "And if Jesus had discounted his anger at all of hell? However, in a way, the story was becoming somewhat "commercial", Let's say, something "pro-Christ," and I was having trouble trying to let my clear message. That's when the idea of ​​the human body of Jesus of Nazareth to be possessed by Lucifer. From there, did God be portrayed as the trickster and gave Lucifer a chance to return to heaven, but not before going to hell, that's where the story takes place.

  1. You used religious elements in its history. Do you consider yourself a religious person? How do you define "God", "demon", "Right and wrong"?

Religious elements are what the story demands and, sometimes, the story is great even for me. There is a delicate balance between using that try to have certain religious references and controversial theories, without undermining the beliefs of anyone. I'm not a religious person, but I'm telling a story Iconoclast. In fact, I'm more a militant agnostic. Perhaps art is my faith. But I have my own beliefs that help me when the world seems too big. I would define 'God’ or 'Mal’ only as words. The question is always about the meaning of what's behind them.

  1. How do you define art?

Art is the purest form of magic.

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  1. What are the plans for the future? Are you working on any new material?

"The Leather Of The Whip" will total 13 books, being the seventh chapter was released last month. Soon after, all will be compiled into two separate volumes, and for this, I hope some campaign finance can help me get there. no future, I'll be in Seattle and Spokane to join some conventions. In addition, I will contribute with other independent comic creators to their published comic series.

To learn more about the work of Alejandro Gomez, and / or get in touch with him, visit one of the links below:

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E-mail: ju.vannucchi@hotmail.com

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