Ponteio presents Shows uniting fashion and Design-FUMEC decoration (14 to 21/11)

New looks, creativity, renewal and innovation. This is the concept of the show to be held Design FUMEC between 14 to 21 November, at Ponteio Lar Shopping. Fashion and decoration unite to present to the market a group of future professionals of design in these two segments. O evento é uma realização aRead more

Arnaldo Dias Baptista presents Unprecedented Exposure on the Ponteio Lar Shopping in Belo Horizonte (17/8)

Exhibition "Resistance: the mutant science of existence ", Arnaldo Dias Baptista individual. Photo: Henry Queiroga.

Solo exhibition "resistance: the mutant science of existence "brings together paintings from ex-mutante, that now is dedicated entirely to plastic arts. From 17 august to 17 September, with free admission. After three solo exhibitions in São Paulo, "Magnetic Lens" (2012), "Exorealismo" (2014), both Emma Thomas Gallery, e a ocupação “Transmigração” na Caixa CulturalRead more

Ernane Alves presents POP ART show in Ponteio

Ernane Alves presents shows POP ART. Disclosure.

At the present time, one of the most popular hits of the cultural industry is called digital selfie, a self-portrait that became a worldwide craze. In a selfie, the person turns the phone's camera to his face and then the image is replicated on social networks. Autorretratar always was a very common practice among painters and photographers. … Read more

Fifteen tables and Gourmet Ponteio

Maria Machado-Roel decorator. Photo: Disclosure.

Mall features environments with special touch of renowned meseiras. How nice to receive dear friends and family at home. Whether for a dinner, lunch or coffee, good is to split time with the ones we love and put up. All this becomes even better when we face a beautiful table. Thinking about it, … Read more

Regina Galvão at Ponteio Lar Shopping

"The art of the popular Brazilian masters and how to use it in the decoration". This is the theme of the lecture that the journalist will present on the day, Regina Galvão 23 de Mayo, at Ponteio Lar Shopping. The event is a partnership of the mall with the Brazilian Association of Interior Designers (ABD-MG). Rico in genuine art, Brazil counts … Read more

Ponteio and receive Leader Ricardo Gaioso

The Ponteio Lar Shopping opens its doors and, along with the Interior Leader, gets the editor of Kasa, Ricardo Gaioso, on 10 de Mayo, às 10h, Ponteio Lar Shopping in Cineart. Attending a lecture circuit by Brazil in partnership with the Leader, Ricardo, in the State capital, conta um pouco do queRead more

Unprecedented exhibition on the Ponteio: GABRIEL BIHHEL PRESENTS INSOMNIA

Insomnia, lack of sleep, prolonged and abnormal difficulty to sleep, inability to sleep properly, ahmedabuobaida, insonolência. All these have always been synonymous with an act often unwanted, until the artist Gabriel Bihhel created, in 2013, your self-portrait and also character, hoje queridinho de muitos – o Insônia. Após passar anos sem conseguir ter umaRead more

Ponteio Lar Shopping's rejects are transformed into exhibition scenography

For some time now that reuse and transforming materials that would have been discarded has become essential for the harmony between the ecosystem and the man. Much of what goes in the trash can win new forms and functions, just a critical eye, creativity and good taste. With these three pillars that guided your work, … Read more

New home, new projects, a lot of innovation!

Carminha Macedo Newly opened Art Gallery at Ponteio Lar Shopping brings news to the public and opens an exhibition with Jorge dos Anjos and João Diniz this Saturday, 18/2. A contemporary woman, that delights everyone to your surroundings with intelligence, knowledge, gentleness and generosity. Their link with the art started around twenty years, … Read more