6º CNI SESI Marcantonio Vilaça SENAI for the fine arts

TCU DISPLAYS WORKS OF ARTISTS WINNERS MARCANTONIO VILAÇA CULTURAL SPACE – TCU. FROM 24 OCTOBER TO 22 DECEMBER 2017. *For the second time, the Cultural Center of the Court of Auditors of the Union hosts the itinerary of the main award for Brazilian visual arts *Works by artist Sérvulo Esmeraldo and more 11 artists make up the … Read more

Exhibition at the Cultural Box Rio de Janeiro discusses the relationship of humans with the environment

Series When I Saw - Libraries. Photography by Claudia Jaguaribe.

Concrete nature displays pictures, videos and installations of 17 Brazilian artists and groups the Cultural BOX Rio de Janeiro presents, from 9 September to 12 th November of 2017, Concrete Nature exposure, discussing and deepens a permanent interest in art, in science and philosophy: the relationships of human beings with nature and … Read more

Exhibition "Constellate" inaugurates the party by 30 years of Pro-Know

Instituto Pró-Know Largo dos Leões 70, Constellate Exhibition. Photo: Disclosure.

Free programming will have displays of contemporary art, shows, concerts and lectures. From 26 august to 3 September, the Pro-Knowing opens the gates to celebrate 30 years of education. Will be nine days of programming, with popular and classical music, lectures and, as the Centre Party, the exhibition "Constellate", which will occupy all … Read more