Wind-based Orchestra invites Letieres Leite

The composer and conductor Letieres Leite is invited to upcoming shows based Orchestra Blowing happen in days 11 and 12, in the Oscar Niemeyer Museum. The repertoire includes compositions and arrangements by the guest who is also dedicated to researching and promoting Afro-Brazilian music. In the Program songs like ‘Floresta Azul’, … Read more

Conservatory of MUSIC promotes lecture on Afro-Brazilian music

The Bahian composer and researcher Letieres Leite comes to Curitiba to deliver lecture in town, This Friday (02), at 1:30 pm, at the Conservatory of Brazilian Popular Music. A atividade “Abordagem Geral sobre o Universo Percussivo Baiano – Método UPB por Letieres Leite” tem como objetivo aproximar o grande público da música de matriz afro-brasileira eRead more