“Dell’Architettura” exhibitions open at Palacete das Artes, in Salvador

Of Architecture - The Italian Presence in the Soteropolitan Landscape, Artist: Manuel Sa. Photo: Manuel Sá Architectural Photography.

Photographic research on the Italian influence on the Carioca landscape and the Italian presence in the Soteropolitan landscape are themes of the two exhibitions held by the Italian Institute of Culture Do dia 9 august to 9 October, the Palace of the Arts, former residence of Commander Bernardo Martins Catharino, in Salvador, will host the two “Dell’Architettura” exhibitions, each … Read more

The Italian Institute of Culture promotes the 3rd edition of the “Ateneo Virtuale” Meeting Cycle

Franco Arminius. Photo: Disclosure.

The Italian Institute of Culture promotes the 3rd edition of the Cycle of Meetings “Ateneo Virtuale” to address themes of literature, of art, of Italian cinema and theater, free for the public to participate at home. The next meeting will be between Prof. Paolo Torresan from UFF and Franco Arminio, photographer and one of the most poets … Read more

Next Friday in July there will be a dramatized reading cycle by Carlo Goldoni at IIC-Rio

Giovanna de Toni, featured. Photo: Disclosure.

Organized by the Italian Institute of Culture the Italian playwright Carlo Goldoni, author of “Harlequin, server of two masters ”that won in Brazil a spectacular translation by Millôr Fernandes, wins cycle of dramatized Readings Curated by director and playwright Alessandra Vannucci and the participation of actors Julio Adrião, Julia Carrera, Tiago Catarino, Savio Moll, … Read more

Film Festival

Festival Making Cinema 2020, Flyer. Disclosure.

Cycle of thematic events dedicated to the promotion of the Italian cinema and film industry takes place online and honors director Federico Fellini and actor Alberto Sordi, in the year of the centenary of their births To complete this intense cinema panorama, the Italian Cultural Institute also makes available to the public free of charge … Read more

In the month of valentine, o Italian Cultural Institute realizes as séries "Everyone in the Kitchen"

Instituto Italiano de Cultura realizes as séries "Everyone in the Kitchen". Disclosure.

In the month of valentine, the Italian Institute of Culture runs the “Tutti in Cucina” series of virtual gastronomic videos on Mondays and Fridays led by Chefs of Italian cuisine Michele Petenzi, Benedetta Giustozzi and Rossella Speranza Aos sábados, no "Nicola's Aperitif", the Italian bartender residing in Brazil, Nicola Bara will teach drinks and cocktails, delicious, … Read more

Friday, 5 of June opens the Italian-Brazilian Dialogue Cycle with the “Colloquium on Raffaello”. Free on Zoom!

Italian-Brazilian Dialogue Cycle, "Colóquio sobre Raffaello”, Flyer. Disclosure.

To celebrate the 500th anniversary of the death of the painter Raffaello Sanzio, the Italian Institute of Culture in collaboration with the National Museum of Fine Arts in Rio holds the Cycle of Italian-Brazilian Dialogues and presents the “Colloquium on Raffaello” The debut of the Italian-Brazilian Dialogue Cycle is Friday, day 5 of June, to 11 hours, … Read more

The Italian Institute of Culture promotes a cycle of exclusive meetings with academic professors from Italy and Brazil

Michelangelo, The creation of Adam. Disclosure.

The first meeting will be conducted by professors of Italian Language and Literature at Universidade Federal Fluminense-UFF, Guido Alberto Bonomini and Paolo Torresan, about the three great artists of the Italian Renaissance: Leonardo Da Vinci, Michelangelo and Raffaello Sanzio. Friday, day 29 de Mayo, to 18:00, no Zoom. The Italian Institute of Culture holds this Friday, 29 … Read more

Instituto Italiano de Cultura holds a series of virtual gastronomic meetings with Italian culinary consultant Alessandra Sposetti

Risotto with radicchio, recipe, second day 25/05 no Italian Institute of Culture. Photo: Disclosure.

Monday, 25 de Mayo, to 12 hours, the 3rd edition of the gastronomic series “Tutti in Cucina” will teach the public the delicious “Risotto Al Radicchio”. Know the ingredients and get ready! There are four lives on facebook (@iicrio) every Monday (days 11, 18 and 25 May and 01 of June), to 12 hours, nas quais AlessandraRead more

Italian Cultural Institute promotes online workshop on Italian literature with actor Nicola Siri

Nicola Siri. Photo: Disclosure.

#IICRioItaliaEmCasa The Classics of Italian Literature at the ‘Samba Rhythm’ Workshop with Nicola Siri The Italian Institute of Culture organizes 25 of May to 27 July an online workshop on Italian literature, taught by Italian actor and commentator Nicola Siri. Are 10 meetings, every Monday, to 19 hours, through the zoom platform, … Read more