Circonjecturas exhibition catalog launches and conducts workshop with artist

Rafael Silveira will be in Brasilia on Saturday (7) to teach participants how to make a “self-de-portrait” Open to the public at CAIXA Cultural Brasília until the day 15 of december, the individual exhibition of the artist from Paraná Rafael Silveira, called Circumjectures, It brings two new features to Brasilia. Next Saturday (7), It will launch the exhibition catalog, … Read more

Circonjecturas exhibition features surrealist universe of Rafael Silveira in CAIXA Cultural Brasília

The show features paintings, sculptures, embroidery and interactive installations CAIXA cultural Brasília hosts the first major solo exhibition of artist Rafael Silveira from Paraná, called Circumjectures. The show, with Low Ribeiro curatorial, It will be inaugurated on 15 October, to 19 hours, and will remain open until the day 15 of december. Her, circus, tattoo, … Read more

Tomie Ohtake in theaters at Caixa Cultural Brasília

Among prints, paintings and amazing sculptures, Color shows and Body tells the story of the artist 48 The works Caixa Cultural Brasília presents the exhibition Tomie Ohtake: Color and Body, Bringing federal capital 40 engravings, five paintings and three sculptures that the artist is one of the great references of Brazilian abstract art. The … Read more


GALLERY VITRINE CULTURAL BOX, FROM 7 FROM JUNE TO 20 OF AUGUST. FREE ENTRY. Exposição apresenta as expedições de Flávio de Carvalho como obras de cunho experimental *A mostra traz material iconográfico e textual de alguns projetos expedicionários do artista que tem influenciado a arte brasileira até os dias atuais *Fotografias, documents, cadernos deRead more


CULTURAL BOX BRASILIA, FROM 22 FROM MARCH TO 14 MAY 2017. FREE ENTRY. Exhibition presents paintings, pictures and sculptures of the artist in the main gallery of the Cultural BOX Brasilia * show features poetic and hard-hitting views of Afro-Brazilian culture icons, do patrimônio imaterial e de símbolos da religiosidade de matriz africana A palavra ‘Diáspora’ vem do gregoRead more

Ozi – 30 years of urban art in the Cultural BOX Brasilia

*Pioneer Artist of the national graffiti exposes works dating back to the history of Street Art in Brazil * Show opens on the day 10 of January and stay on until 26 February *Free entry CAIXA Cultural Brasília presents the OZI exhibition – 30 YEARS OF URBAN ART IN BRAZIL, under the curatorship of Marco Antonio … Read more

Cultural box Brasilia presents the Jazz series of Henri Matisse

“It is not enough to put colors, by very beautiful they are, some at the foot of the other, It takes even if these colors Act on each other. Otherwise is pure cacophony. Jazz is a rhythm and a meaning”. Henri Matisse, 1952 The Cultural Box Brasilia inaugurates day 25 of October the exhibition Henri Matisse – Jazz, with … Read more