Roko Brasil, Young Talent by Edmundo Cavalcanti

Edmundo Cavalcanti is Art Columnist.
Edmundo Cavalcanti is Art Columnist.

Young talent, emerging in plastic arts.

Please tell us a little, about you and your art.

“I'm the Roko Brasil, better known as Roko, I am majoring in management of industrial production, mechanical designer, electrician and autodidact.


I was born in São Paulo in the early 70, from childhood art tried to extrapolate between my hands, but both the medium where I lived as my own prejudices made me choke her, until the year 2000 I could not contain myself and created a small series that exposed in the gallery of a friend in the state. This was an artistic explosion that was quickly contained to only 2012 resurface and since then decided not to choke her.

Masterpiece of Roko BrazilToday my priority as an artist is to express my art without worrying trends, concepts or prejudices, I want to work freely using the technique that pleases me, switching when and how you want.

Received the Military Judiciary Justice of the Union and the Brazilian Academy of Sciences, Arts, History and Literature the Diploma and Medal Dom João VI and in Sessão Solene Municipality of Sao Paulo in Tribute to the Constitutionalist Revolution 1932 the Diploma and Medal “Mérito Cultural Escultor Victor Brecheret" by Fundação Escultor Victor Brecheret and Academia Brasileira de Ciências, Arts, History and Literature.

Masterpiece of Roko BrazilI have several works produced throughout Brazil and Argentina, participate in some Art salons and I also have some work available in Galleries Ami, Ponto Art, in Shopping Casa & Móvel and in my studio”.

For further details and contact, visit my website:


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São Paulo – Brasil
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15 thoughts on “Roko Brasil, Young Talent by Edmundo Cavalcanti”

  1. I thank the editor Edmundo Rafael De Araujo Cavalcanti site and Works of Art for the preparation and publication of the beautiful field!
    Thanks also to readers, friends and fans for their prestige and affection! Big hug!


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