
The poet and professor of History of Art Nuno Rau leads a workshop on Poetic Experimentation between 9/8 and 29/11, always on mondays, from 17h to 19h, by Institute of Letters Station. The meetings are online and will work with the thought and practice of the poem today: what is the poem? What can a poem today? How to make a poem that is anchored to the present?

Exercising eyes on concrete things, Nuno Rau wants everyone to understand that in everything there is a potential poem. This way, using several proposals of practices, readings and debates, there will be the contextualization of the production in a room with the story, some theory and fundamental questions of contemporary poetry.

And on the day 11/8, from 7pm to 9pm via the Zoom platform, It is the turn of poet and literary critic Ítalo Moriconi to coordinate, also by IEL, Observatory of Contemporary Brazilian Poetry, with the objective of thinking and rethinking Brazilian poetry in its current scenario. Italo wants to offer participants an overview of current literary production and generate debate on the topic.


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