Sesc/RS Virtual Gallery brings exhibition “O Galo Awakens Perdonami Giotto”, de Desirée Buying Shepherds

Unfolding of the drawing “Perdonami Giotto”, video art was developed in partnership with Marina Quintanilha


The Sesc/RS Virtual Gallery presents a creation by artist Desirée Hirtenkauf, from Estrela and resident of Lajeado. The exhibition "O Galo Desperta Forgive me Giotto" is an offshoot of the design “Perdonami Giotto”, work elaborated in the language of drawing (Nanquim, watercolor and collage on paper). The work shows an imagetic narrative, what the artist calls literary drawing. From the desire to give life to the characters came the idea of ​​animation, which unfolded into a video art developed in partnership with Marina Quintanilha. The material will be available at, where another six exhibitions by artists from the state of Rio Grande do Sul are already on display.

Daughter of Yugoslav father and Brazilian mother, Desirée entered the paint shop at the 12 years and took a technical course in Advertising Design in High School. After, completed part of the law schools, Letters and Administration and continued exploring painting in parallel. From an invitation from 2002 to exhibit at an artistic collective, art became the protagonist in his life. From 2009 to 2016 attends the Free Atelier in Porto Alegre, where it reconnects to the drawing, taken by the hands of professor Renato Garcia. It was the beginning of an investigation into this language, which became recurrent in its production. Currently, follows his research based on the language of drawing and its developments.

The Sesc/RS Virtual Gallery, which aims to enhance the relationship of the visual arts with different audiences and value the gaucho artists, presents a different exhibition per month until December. With diverse approaches and techniques, each artist shows part of their collection, composing an exhibition with audio description and virtual meetings during the year. like a physical gallery, the virtual space contains several rooms with exhibitions that will be open for visitation until the end of the year, available for access at any time.


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