What is inspiration?
Inspiration, expiration and heartbeat. Again, inspiration, expiration and heartbeat and again: inspiration, expiration and heartbeat. This is perhaps the physiological pathway of how inspiration is born, that according to the dictionary itself defines the adult male, at rest, performs 16 inspirations per minute. But what if he is inspired? If he's inspired of art, probably won't timing even half of this minute, but maybe pulse more, sigh more and get inspired more with his own inspirations and transpirations… And so must be the birth of his artworks, true creations. And what are the inspirations? – Text: Adriana Guidolin, special to Gallery Entrecores Espaço de Arte.
This is the theme of the exhibition Entrecores Espaço de Arte, will be performing on the day 05 on April 2014, Saturday, to 15:00 hrs.
Curated by Stella Gomide.
This exhibition will have the presence by renowned artists, and with the special participation of watercolorist Dirceá Monforte.
Participating Artists:
- Ana Bittar
- Bebel Bastos
- Capuccine Picicaroli
- Celuta Wagner
- Danilo Mônaco
- Isaac Borba
- Lucila Maia
- Plinio Arenare
- Rita Caruzzo
Exhibition Opening Cocktail: "Inspirations", in Entrecores Espaço de Arte, from 15hs to 18hs, on 05/APR/2014.
"Inspirations" follow up day 30 April, from 10:30 to 17:00 hrs.
The Gallery Entrecores Espaço de Arte – is on Lima Barros Street, 52, Jardim Paulista – São Paulo-SP (Map below)
Profile of Gallery Entrecores Espaço de Arte: https://www.facebook.com/entrecores.espacodearte
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São Paulo – Brasil
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Columnist at Website Obras de Arte
E-mail: cavalcanti.edmundo@gmail.com
Edmundo Rafael De Araujo Cavalcanti
Exhibition "Inspiration" by Edmundo Cavalcanti | Website Obras de Arte http://t.co/bpP8EpXxX9
Thank You! Congratulations!! Hugs!