Extension course: Without beauty, There is no culture


The Museu de Arte Sacra de São Paulo promotes an extension course on the topic “Extension course: Without beauty, There is no culture”, with Prof.. Pedro Paulo de Sena Madureira.


This course examines the experience of beauty throughout the different periods of the development of art and their aesthetic reflection relations, the philosophical integration, and its implications with social life, political and economic. The search for beauty always part of the search for an ideal life, whose bases are the perception of pleasure, the meaning, to balance, the proportion and purity, without, however, ignore that this quest occurs always steeped in history, the contradictions and dilemmas of its protagonist – the human being.


See the complete course in grid site: www.museuartesacra.org.br


Pedro Paulo de Sena Madureira: has exerted important influence on brazilian culture since the ' 1960, especially in publishing. Worked with Antonio Houaiss and Carlos Lacerda, at the publishing house new frontier. Created, with the Sicilian family, the publishing group of the same name. He published two books of poetry (Devastation, Imago, 1976; Rumor of Knives, Companhia das Letras, 1989).

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Period: 28/03 to 13/06 (Mondays)

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Time: 19H30 at 9:30 pm
Load time: 36 classrooms | 72 hours
Value: R$ 600 (03 times) or R$ 550 in sight

Inscriptions: mfatima@museuartesacra.org.br (LIMITED PLACES)

Information: (11) 5627.5393
Local: Museu de Arte Sacra de São Paulo
Address: Avenida Tiradentes, 676 – Light | Subway Tiradentes

Free parking: Rua Jorge Miranda, 43

At the end of the course the student will receive the certificate.


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