Course of Concept Art by Rod Pereira


This module is aimed at those artists who want to learn more depth how to create remarkable characters, functional and memorable as possible for Market Games and Movies.

Throughout the course I will show you techniques on how to make a character to be genuinely heroic or villainous, using just a few basic shapes known worldwide for human perception, how to build personagens coadjuvantes with unique features and outstanding.

The student will understand how to interpret a text description of an art director even if the text has a few storylines.


Learn in an easy and fast way to use textures from photographs that differentiate the characters dress materials such as metal armor, old clothes, different types of cloths and accessories.

Concept Art Online Course Rod Pereira


1º Módulo – Character Concept Art Taught by Rod Pereira


  • 6 Months – One lesson per week with 3 -hour, having the foresight to begin in 21/06/2014 and taking the first term of this module em 6 months, there may be changes, will be notified in advance.
  • At the end of the course will issue a certificate of simple conclusion, with my signature.


This module is aimed at those artists who want to learn more depth, how to create remarkable characters, functional and memorable to market games and movies.

The student will learn how to interpret a text description received by an art director, even if the text has a few storylines; techniques on how to make a character to be genuinely heroic or villainous, using only basic shapes known worldwide for human perception; how to build personagens coadjuvantes with unique features and outstanding; how to use easily and quickly, textures from photographs that differentiate dress materials, as metal armor, old clothes, different types of cloths and accessories.

Syllabus:Rod Parker artwork

  • Introduction to basic anatomy and volumetry
  • Receiving a story
  • Searching references
  • Stubs
  • Facial expression and body language
  • Proportions
  • Light, shade and tonal values
  • Colors
  • Lighting
  • Model Sheet dinâmico
  • Making your concept to be unique
  • Completion and submission of a job
  • Clarification of doubts

Method of Teaching:

Classes are scheduled to elapse as follows, may be changes will be notified in advance:

  • Classes will be broadcast every Saturday morning, the period of 9:00hs às 12:00hs.
  • During the classroom, you can view the teacher's screen site at and audio from Skype.
  • The teacher will propose exercises throughout the lesson, to be made and Uploaded via Skype ™ to correction and clarification of doubts.

Lessons access:

Skype: So you can chat and send your files online on Saturday, I request you to make an account on Skype ( and send me your username along with the registration form. So you can view the display screen of the teacher, all Thursdays, the 19:00hs, I will be providing Skype, an access code. You then access the site screen sharing and place the code provided.

Value of Investment and Payment:

  • The value of the course will be 06 installments of R$ 310,00.
  • The payment will be made in bank deposit, no bank Bradesco.

After payment, I ask you kindly to send scaneiem and ocomprovante for that same email.

Many thanks for your support and hope to make this course is useful for all!

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2º Módulo – Environment Concept Art


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5 Months – One lesson per week with 3 -hour.


This module teaches how to develop environments within a story, correctly, whereas the times, it must be created depending on the character.

Rod Parker artworkThe student will learn to give soul to scenario, giving emphasis on the study of perspectives, light, framework of scenes and use of textures to give credibility to the environment, in this way, creates such an important and engaging environment as creating a character.


  • Introducing the prospect of internal and external environments
  • Quick Thumbnails
  • Architecture depending on the character
  • Interior Design
  • Atmosphere
  • Colors natuarais fantastic
  • Natural and artificial lights
  • Completion and submission of a job
  • Clarification of doubts


3º Módulo – Concept Art Props


4 Months – One lesson per week with 3 -hour.


This module teaches you how to create vehicles, arms, equipment and other objects, references using dynamically.

The student will learn that often, a gun or sword are equally or more important than the character himself, depending on the story; how to achieve a successful design, Fashion for the gamers, easily understand the value and character of the weapon or equipment; how to develop realistic props while, give a personal touch creating a unique art concept.


  • Quick Thumbnails
  • Basic geometric shapes to develop consistent props designer
  • Dynamic colors
  • Application of efficient textures
  • Understanding the 3D design
  • Completion and submission of a job
  • Clarification of doubts


São Paulo – São Paulo
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E-mail: [email protected]

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