Dance collectives release video dances in honor of Brazilian culture


Know to value. Based on this principle, Coletivo Emaranhado and Grupo Estirpe set up the videodance project “Vitória X Mucurici: Approaching Knowledge", result of the choreographic residency in the city of Mucurici (ES). With the participation of more than 25 professionals, the idea is to bridge the gap between them dance groups, recognizing the trajectories in dance and expanding the Espírito Santo scenic art market.

"Our objective was to encourage discussion and dialogue about artistic productions of shows, scenes and choreographic compositions of groups from Espírito Santo that are in different cultural scenarios, even though belonging to the same Espírito Santo cartography. We put into practice a programmatic content through virtual and practical means that unites the scenic performance, the theatrical direction, the theory and aesthetics of the performing arts and also the scenography and choreography”, explains Maicom Souza, one of the dancers participating in the Coletivo Emaranhado.

Watch Being (So): = p9boblSVdPc

The groups met in 2016, when the Coletivo Emaranhado went to the city of Mucurici, located in the northeastern micro-region of Espírito Santos, in order to present the show Ser (So). Local production was the responsibility of the director of Grupo Estirpe, Fabrício Santos, and from this contact, the groups began to strengthen ties and, from there to here, started planning a partnership.

"The main proposal of the project ‘Vitória X Mucurici: Approaching Knowledge’ is to provide artists with contact with different audiences – the North Region and the Metropolitan in Espírito Santo – in order to train participants for professional practice by using the exchange of experiences of the daily artistic practices of each group", define Maicom.

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In addition to the “Being (So)”, of the Tangled Collective (Win / ES) and "Telling Stories", of the Theater and Dance Group Estirpe, Thematic conversation wheels were also created., workshops, workshops and academic articles. This project was conceived by Maicom Souza, with realization of Creative Studio Teapot, with resources of the Aldir Blanc Law, through the State Secretariat for Culture of Espírito Santo, directed by the Special Secretariat of Culture of the Ministry of Tourism and the Federal Government. The “Victory X Mucurici: Aproximando Saberes” is a project approved in the Public Notice for the Selection of Projects and Award of the “Integrated Arts” Award.


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Watch Telling Stories: = xTgHfFvrWrs

The technical team is composed of Maicom Souza (production and choreographic direction, production), Ricardo Reis (artistic and choreographic direction), Jesus' fabrication (choreographic direction) and Daiana Rocha (photography direction, edição, finishing and photography). The still photos and graphic art were made by Bernardo Firme, while Thais de Luca and Dete Nascimento were in charge of the costumes. Erica Ortolan also participated (legal advice), Replace Bettini (spell check), Dori Sant’Ana (soundtrack) and Léia Rodrigues (scenic preparation).

The Vitória X Mucurici project: Approaching Saberes counted on the dancers and dancers: Amanda Oliveira; Ana Maria Novais; Bia Sena; Clara Barros; Diedra Rovena; Erica Ortolan; Fabricio de Jesus; Flayra Plates; Gabriella Aprigio; Gessica Fernandes; Higor Henrique; João Vitor Correa; Maicom Souza; Maju Sena; Patrick Vilell; Raynan Viana; and Ricardo Reis. Dance assistants also contributed, Amanda Luzia and Erica Ortolan. And Erick Ferreira, in production assistance.

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