Besides the prestige as Advisor, the Luso-Brazilian Fabiano de Abreu now Immortalizes your name among the largest Brazilian writers of history


What the end point for success? To the writer, philosopher, Publicist and journalist Fabiano de Abreu, owner of MF Global Press, There seems to be no. Prestigious world fitness Advisor, Fabiano will have your name immortalized among the great writers in the history of Brazil.

That's because your book “Live Might Not Be So Bad” was approved by the National Library of Brazil in the category of Philosophy after going through a bureaucratic technical expertise. For those who don't know, the national library is considered the seventh largest library in the world by Unesco, being the largest of Latin America.

This sacred heritage, however, not serves as a reading room for the public, but as a huge archive of the history of Brazil. Her, including, is stored the official record of the Lei Áurea, signed by Princess Elizabeth in 1888. In other words, Fabiano put your name in history, which, him though, It is a matter of immense pride.


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“For me it is an immense pride to have my book at the national library. Never crossed my mind that one day my name would be registered there, because I never thought about being a writer. Feel full! My earthly life is already full because I'm leaving a legacy that will live for life. It makes me feel useful. Do I believe that I did not come to Earth only to sum and Yes leave my mark. I have a lot of respect for the national library as a historical factor, something that needs to be preserved, something that is Brazil and your story, and there is no other place in the world I could feel happier than having my name in the national library. It was the most bureaucratic process by which my book went”, says writer.

On the success of the book, Fabiano is categorical. “After launch the book in Castelo de Paiva, in Portugal, in the Library Are Lazarus, the oldest of Lisbon, at Universidade Gregorio Semedo, in Angola, Finally I launched in Brazil and the way most wanted. I didn't write the book to be sold, but to be read. So that I could help in some way people”, complete the writer, philosopher, Publicist and journalist.

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