Barbecues on balconies gain prominence in compact properties

Barbecues on balconies gain prominence in compact properties. Photo: Yticon / Disclosure.

Leisure spaces inside the apartment are a differential for residents of compact properties for more intimate get-togethers If there is a space that Brazilians do not give up, even in smaller apartments, it's the balcony – area projected to the outside of the property structure. Usually used to place a rocking hammock, small plants and … Read more

Pet place: leisure area for pets on the rise in developments

Pet place: leisure area for pets on the rise in developments. Photo: Yticon / Disclosure.

Brazil has the second largest population of pets in the world; residential real estate developments follow a change in structure The expression ‘pet friendly’ has become routine in the life of Brazilians. The phrase in English means that the place accepts the entry and stay of domestic animals. O aumento da presença dos bichinhos nos estabelecimentos éRead more

Good childhood memories are also in the decor.

Solar In Modena. Photo: Yticon/ Disclosure.

Color, texture and sensory elements are essential items to ensure comfort and affective memories for little ones in the different stages of childhood If we ask an adult about some of his childhood memories, certainly the memory of toys, das cores e da decoração do quarto estará no topo da lista. Isso não se trata apenasRead more

Natural decoration promotes well-being and even beautifies the environment

Solar In Modena. Photo: Yticon / Disclosure.

Use of plants and flowers indoors increases well-being, productivity and creativity; architect gives tips on how to enjoy spring Spring is here for real and, with her, a colorful and fragrant decoration. But did you know that, in addition to a beautiful aesthetic, the natural decoration reflects directly on the well-being, reduces stress and anxiety, … Read more