Because of Blockbuster, New exhibition looks remains open until 27/10

With free entry, the group show takes place at SESC Quitandinha Good public demand the exhibition New Perspectives, mounted on SESC Quitandinha, He ensured that shows remain a few days of release. Started in the Winter Festival, in July, it remains open to visitors until 27/10 (Saturday), com curadoria de Claudio Partes e produçãoRead more

From abstraction to neoconcretismo: a tribute to Decius Vieira

From 8 April to 9 July Sesc Quitandinha-Petrópolis (RJ) Quitandinha Palace, in Petropolis, was the scene, in February 1953, one of the landmarks in the history of brazilian art: the 1st National Exhibition of abstract art, result of articulations between the Petropolitan Association of Fine Arts and the Museum of Art … Read more