angel blood: How far would cupid's angel go for revenge?

"Angel's Blood"" by Aline Silvestri, cover - featured. Photo: Disclosure.

Urban fantasy duology written by Aline Silvestri is released this Tuesday (08/11) Well known for the work of forming couples, cupid angels are popularly linked to loving and angelic beings, but not all are like that. Released this Tuesday (08/11), The Blood Angel Duology, Written by Aline Silvestri, proposes to take the reader to a … Read more

almost guardian: Rafaella Marques launches second book in the Eleita pela Magia saga

Book "Almost Guardian" by Rafaella Marques, featured. Disclosure.

after being elected, Luna needs to team up with her new witch friends to fight a dark magic villain that threatens everyone's existence Luna's journey into the universe of magic has just begun! Published by Grupo Editorial Coerência, “Almost Guardian”, second book in the Chosen by Magic saga, arrives at the main bookstores of the … Read more

Death is interviewed in suspense written by Julia Giarola

Julia Giarola e seu livro "Entrevista com a Morte". Photo: Disclosure.

Released in September this year, “Interview with Death” competes for a literary award for Best Thriller 2021 If you had the opportunity to interview death, what would be your main question? This is Guy Standing's situation., renowned presenter who is severely depressed after losing his son to suicide. broken and helpless, … Read more

Serial killer terrorizes Rio de Janeiro in suspense written by Renata Maggessi

Book "The Song of the Cicada" de Renata Maggessi, cover - featured. Photo: Disclosure.

“O Canto da Cigarra” involves controversial and real issues through a story told from different perspectives Finalist of the Choice Awards Coherence 2020, or suspense “The song of the cicada” written by Renata Maggessi from Rio de Janeiro and published by Grupo Editorial Coerência, brings controversial and important themes that involve the reader in a plot narrated from different perspectives. Common … Read more

Fiction book raises reflections on the consequences of giving up on oneself

"The Forgotten History of the Inn on the Road", cover - featured, of C. The. Saltoris. Disclosure.

“The Forgotten History of Inn on the Road”, of C. The. Saltoris, wins new edition by Grupo Editorial Coerência With remarkable lecture at TED, the woman who gives life to the artist C. The. Saltoris stands out for mastering a subject that is very present in our society. Giving up one's dreams has been a common attitude among the Brazilian population, … Read more

Coerência Editorial Group opens the first Coerência Bookstore

Bookstore Coherence. Disclosure.

The franchise's first store will open in the center of Bragança Paulista, interior of São Paulo With the editorial crisis installed since 2015, countless bookstores had to close their doors. As usual, Grupo Editorial Coerência went against the market and announced the opening of the first Livraria Coerência, which has the goal of consolidating itself as a franchise. … Read more

Cecília Vallim launches “O Tal do Twenty and Few Years”, motivational book about twenties crises

Book: "The Twentysomething Tale" by Cecilia Vallim, cover. Disclosure.

The author's debut work was released by Grupo Editorial Coerência Cecília Vallim, Goiás from 22 years, his debut in literature with “O Tal do Twenty and Few Years”, motivational book aimed at young people and adults over the age of twenty and who live with crises or uncertainties related to their professional future. The work was released ago … Read more

Coerência Editorial Group launches 2nd edition of “Accounts Payable”

Bianca Gulim e seu livro "Contas a Pagar". Photo: Disclosure.

Written by Bianca Gulim, the book was released in July this year First published in 2018, "Bills to pay” won a new edition in July this year. Published by Grupo Editorial Coerência and written by Bianca Gulim, the work stands out with a new cover, improvements in the text and optimization in the way of narrating the story, and, marking … Read more

Karol com K: And. Ritt launches a Brazilian reinterpretation of Anne with an ‘E’

Book "Karol with K" the Edelweis Ritt, cover - featured. Disclosure.

Book was launched in July by Grupo Editorial Coerência With the success of “Ausentes”, writer Edelweis Ritt launches another work by Grupo Editorial Coerência, this time a retelling of Anne with an ‘E’ called “Karol with K”. Released in July this year and with an autograph session at the São Paulo Literary Festival 2021 (FLISP 2021), the book addresses issues involving … Read more

FLISP 2021 sold over 8.000 books in a weekend

FLISP 2021 - Samuel Alexandre and Sacia Xavier - authors, featured. Photo: John Fellix.

The event had more than 10.000 rotating people this past weekend, 07 and 08 August, the Literary Festival of São Paulo was held 2021 (FLISP 2021), organized by the Coherence Editorial Group. With the participation of several authors, editors and speakers, the event brought together more than 10.000 people rotated and had more … Read more