National Exhibition of Paper Mill Arts Brazil 35 years by Rosângela Vig

Rosângela Vig é Artista Plástica e Professora de História da Arte.
Rosângela Vig is a Visual Artist and Teacher of Art History.

There are millions of affectionate stars in space,
Within reach of your eyes… but conjectures
Those you don't see, igneous and unknown roses,
Visiting at the furthest height.
(BILAC, 1997, p.84)


Art is made a tireless star, who spends an entire night shining bright. The daring look goes through the night, hurried to turn on the lights, outshines the brightness of the stars and does not perceive them. And the night lights up in the saddened city, grayish, under the incandescent light that pretends to be an angel. But the star, albeit distant, radiates its light, attentive to everything, made a cautious and diligent angel.

Perceiving a work is like feeling that brightness of the stars; it's like allowing it to permeate the mind and invade the field of dreams, in the form of colors and shapes so that, even in a period of distance, the soul stays healthy. Thinking about this difficult period, Moinho Brasil, in partnership with Ateliê Rita Caruzzo and Mosaiky Eventos, created a virtual event on paper, due to Covid 19. It is during this period that the artist needs to produce and put his feelings and expressions through the various techniques of art.. The proposal was very well accepted by Renata Telles, owner of Moinho Brasil and the Mizumoto family, in order to promote, encourage and disseminate the production of artistic expressions on the role, related to watercolor categories, digital art, collage, drawing, sculpture, photography, engraving, painting and mixed media, of artists working in the area.

Moinho Brasil was conceived 35 years, in order to recycle agricultural waste, industrial shavings and vegetable fibers to produce paper. The company Moinho Brasil is one of the pioneers in paper recycling. It took years of research to come up with various textures and weights. There are many elements used for making papers. Many of them are used for various art techniques. That is why the artist and curator of Moinho Brasil Rita Caruzzo idealized and proposed to the company a celebration for 35 years, creating the virtual and remote art salon on paper.


Artists interested in participating in the show should see the rules and send photos of their work to the website:

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The jury will be composed of four specialists in the field of Fine Arts who will select the works. They will be selected 50 artists; four of them will be awarded; there will be a popular vote and an honorable mention.

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And even though people are far away, that the meetings are virtual, let the warm embrace be lacking, that the loving kiss is missing, the touch and touch of friendly hands; still the look speaks for a video; speaks the voice of a loved one over a phone, speak a silent prayer in the dark night; and the stars are there guarding everyone in the form of angels.


  1. BILAC, Olavo. Antologia Poética. Porto Alegre: L&PM Pocket, 1997.

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