Recognize the four reasons for dissatisfaction with your life and how to deal with everyone

Fabiano de Abreu. Photo: Personal archive.

Psychoanalyst and neuroscientist Fabiano de Abreu lists the main factors that generate dissatisfaction and discouragement in people and how to deal with these negative feelings Anger, sadness, loneliness, frustration and anxiety. Feelings that are more and more frequent in everyday life and have been aggravated by the pandemic. They are the cause / consequence of that lack of interest in the activities of the … Read more

Philosopher points out that the feeling of sadness can be a path to creativity

Oddly enough, sadness can be motivating creativity. The philosopher and writer Fabiano de Abreu is a proponent of a curious theory that claims be a positive side of the feeling of sadness, it would be like a step collaborating with the creative process. It is known that great names in the arts and literature of … Read more