Dance as Therapy: Benefits for Mental and Physical Health

Dance as Therapy: Benefits for Mental and Physical Health. Freepik image.

The dance, in addition to its artistic expressiveness, has played a significant role as a form of therapy over the years. This article deeply explores the benefits of dance for mental and physical health, highlighting how this practice transcends mere physical activity, becoming an effective tool to promote integral well-being. Table of Contents … Read more

Oi Futuro presents artistic occupation on mental health starring women

Anna Fernanda. Photo: Disclosure.

Lugar de Cabeça project Lugar de Corpo debuts in May at the cultural center in Flamengo, with performance (13/05), installation (18/05) and scenic intervention (19/05) The Lugar de Cabeça Lugar de Corpo project occupies Oi Futuro, no Flamengo, until 12 of June with three artistic activities that take place in parallel and address Mental Health. This is the performance Uma Mulher ao … Read more

Fabiano de Abreu launches new book with teachings on human behavior and possible solutions to preserve mental health for free distribution

Fabiano de Abreu. Photo: MF Global Press.

for the PhD, neuroscientist, biologist and writer, reading expands people's power to choose to make the best decisions “In the depths of reason, the mental health pandemic" brings articles related to feelings and emotions that surfaced or were born in a pandemic scenario. Authored by the PhD, neuroscientist, neuropsychologist and biologist Fabiano de … Read more

Fabiano de Abreu launches new book with teachings on human behavior and possible solutions to preserve mental health for free distribution

Fabiano de Abreu. Photo: Disclosure.

for the PhD, neuroscientist, biologist and writer, reading expands people's power to choose to make the best decisions “In the depths of reason, the mental health pandemic" brings articles related to feelings and emotions that surfaced or were born in a pandemic scenario. Authored by the PhD, neuroscientist, neuropsychologist and biologist Fabiano de … Read more

Fabiano de Abreu launches new book with teachings on human behavior and possible solutions to preserve mental health for free distribution

Fabiano de Abreu. Photo: Disclosure / MF Global Press.

for the PhD, neuroscientist, biologist and writer, reading expands people's power to choose to make the best decisions “In the depths of reason, the mental health pandemic" brings articles related to feelings and emotions that surfaced or were born in a pandemic scenario. Authored by the PhD, neuroscientist, neuropsychologist and biologist Fabiano de … Read more

Yellow “attention to yellow” is featured on social media in Contemporary Art

Yellow “attention to yellow”. Photo: Disclosure.

A “clinic” virtual is the new National work in Contemporary Art, with CAW Conducting and Curation (@cawoficial). In 2017 started the research under the theme mental health, research on the depression rate among young people and the lack of attention to suicide. The data is alarming in Brazil and nothing is said … Read more

coronavirus: the importance of internal communication in companies

*André Franco With the declaration of the World Health Organization (OMS) of the new coronavirus pandemic, many companies had to ‘think outside the box’ and release their employees to the home office. But not all had the structure for that, which caused disorganization among employees and customers, lack of information and even worsening … Read more

Mental health and feminism are the themes of the 7th winners DOC Future

Pitching has, for the first time, two winners. “Ouvidores de Vozes” was elected by the Canal's panel of judges and “# agoraquesãoelas” was the most voted by the public on Twitter Com 60 audiovisual projects entered, the 7th DOC Futura pitching selected, for the first time, two documentaries for co-production and screening on Canal Futura: "Oidores of voices", also L4 … Read more