Learn Knitting and Crochet Step by Step: Guide for Beginners

Learn Knitting and Crochet Step by Step: Guide for Beginners. Photo: br.depositphotos.com.

knitting and crochet, in the vast world of craft skills, combine creativity, manual dexterity and relaxation like few activities. For many, these art forms not only offer a creative outlet, but they also provide a sense of accomplishment as you see a simple thread turn into a charming piece of clothing or decoration.. This guide for … Read more

The Connection between Reiki and Art: Creative Expression and Healing

The Connection between Reiki and Art: Creative Expression and Healing. Image by senivpetro on Freepik.

The world of art and spirituality is full of profound and inspiring intersections. The practice of Reiki, a form of energy healing, can be a source of inspiration for artists, stimulating creativity and promoting personal expression. At the same time, art can enhance the benefits of Reiki, permitindo que a energia universalRead more