Memorial Curitiba receives unprecedented show of paintings Nini Policappelli

In celebration of the anniversary of the city, the Curitiba Cultural Foundation opens next Tuesday (27/03) at 19h, the show "Policappelli Presents", exhibiting Italian paintings based in Curitiba, Nina Policappelli. The exhibition occupies the Memorial Hall Paranaguá Curitiba and will present 40 works from the personal collection of the artist. A homenagem aRead more

Curitiba integrates exhibition on sustainable cities

Will be open on Tuesday (5/12), in Curitiba Memorial, the exhibition "Hope in the city", produced by AFD-French Development Agency, with images of six cities on three continents. Curitiba is one of the cities depicted, next to Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic), Johannesburg (África do Sul), Kochi (India), Medellin (Colombia) and Fortress (Brasil). The … Read more

Feast of the Rosary and other attractions of the black awareness month move the historic centre this Sunday

The feast of the Rosary, with the traditional washing of the staircases of the former Church of the Rosary of black men of Saint Benedict, is the high point of the black Awareness Month programming in Curitiba. The party will be held next Sunday (19/11), from 9:30, with an act of interfaith dialogue in the interior of the Church, onde representantes dasRead more

Month of black consciousness has diverse cultural programming

To celebrate the month of black consciousness, the Cultural Foundation of Curitiba is with an intense schedule at various points of the city. 1 the 25 November are various activities ranging from read-wheels, exhibitions, Pride Crespo, Citizenship and law seminar on the terraces, até a Conferência Estadual de Promoção daRead more

Inauguration of the room in Curitiba Memorial Himeji

The Cultural Foundation of Curitiba inaugurates, This Monday (18/09), at 19h, in Curitiba Memorial, the room Himeji. On occasion, also will open the exhibition of model of Himeji Castle. The event, It will feature the presentation of Japanese dance group, marks the start of the celebrations of the Haru Matsuri, festival que celebra aRead more

Exhibition at the Memorial presents drawings of capital of Poland

Stolice Strona, Tadeusz Cock. Photo: Disclosure.

The Cultural Foundation of Curitiba, in partnership with the Consulate General of Poland, opens this Wednesday (9), at 19h, in Curitiba Memorial, the exhibition "Stolice Polski – Polish Capital", bringing together a series of 70 pen drawings of the Polish artist Tadeusz Kurek. A abertura da exposição terá como atrações o CoralRead more

Tango, country music and theater in miniature are cultural options for Sunday, in the Largo da Ordem

Tango. Photo: Doreen Marques.

Several options are offered to the public cultural Sundays in the morning, in the Largo da Ordem, In addition to the craft fair. Next Sunday (16), This cultural itinerary will be among the attractions the Project Tango CWB, in the Ethnic Flag, in Curitiba Memorial. O dançarino Leonardo Taques comanda uma atividade para popularizar o tango e convidaRead more

Italian groups enliven the Ethnic Flag

Group Folklorístico Garden D'amuri. Photo: Doreen Marques.

Two Italian folk groups are the attractions of the next Sunday (2), in the Ethnic Flag program, that happens in Curitiba Memorial, from 11:0. The Gruppo Folklorístico Giardino D ' Amuri, the Santa Felicidade campus, make a presentation and brings guest Danc'Itali group, of Thirty Brook (SC). Várias regiões da Itália estão representadas nas dançasRead more

Ethnic Pavilion features German and Brazilian traditions

Original Einigkeit Tanzgruppe Germanic Folkloric Group, Thalia society. Photo: Disclosure.

Two traditional clubs of Curitiba, Thalia and Santa Monica society country club, will lead to the Ethnic Flag next Sunday (18) German and Brazilian traditions. The presentation starts at 11:00, with the Original Einigkeit Tanzgruppe Germanic folkloric group, Thalia society, founded in 1990, and that preserves Germanic traditions of Austria, Switzerland … Read more

Spanish and Ukrainian dances are Ethnic Pavilion attraction

Folk group of the Spanish Center. Photo: Doreen Marques.

The Poltava Ukrainian folkloric group and the folk group of the Spanish Center of Paraná are the attractions of this Sunday (11), in the Ethnic Flag, in Curitiba Memorial. Presentations start at 11:00, with free admission. The Poltava has more than 30 years of work in the preservation and promotion of Ukrainian culture. Your group … Read more