Rio de Janeiro will host event on “Film Direction” and will feature Dira Paes and Paulo Betti

Dira Paes as Lucimar in the TV Globo soap opera "Save Jorge" (2012). Photo: Disclosure.

The attraction will be free and completely open to the outside audience Big screen lovers from all over Brazil will be able to participate in the Cinema Week 31 May and 1, 2 and 4 June 2021, from 10pm, big screen lovers from all over Brazil will be able to participate in the Cinema Week, which will take place through the Microsoft Teams platform. The event program – produced by students from the Center for … Read more

Telefilm “From Flower to Flower”, shot in Curicica, will be launching in the second half

Telefilme "From Flower to Flower", backstage - Sávio Moll and Babi Xavier. Photo: Disclosure.

The work, with Babi Xavier and a great cast, will be filled with a lot of suspense Rio de Janeiro - February 2021 – Francisco Malta – coordinator of the Cinema course at Estácio - and Flávia Cortes are the screenwriters for the telefilm “De Flor em Flor”. The plot will show the sisters Azaleia and Jasmine in a big mess. The girls … Read more