Fabiano de Abreu gives 5 Tips to have a good old age

The journalist, philosopher, Portuguese-Brazilian poet and researcher Fabiano de Abreu claims to have as a priority in his life what he calls ‘better age’. Creator of several theories that attempt to explain human existence, their behavior and nuances, o autor do livro ‘Viver Pode Não Ter Tão Ruim’ escreve para colunas em grandes sites deRead more

Philosopher points to win and to distinguish laziness, inertia and achieve their goals in life

Fabiano de Abreu. Photo: MF Global Press.

How often do we come across someone stagnant, comatose, apparently unable to make decisions and fight for his goals or for a better life? Given this, o primeiro julgamento que vem à mente de muitos pode ser atestar que aquele individuo é um preguiçoso, acomodado ou que não tem ambição. However, poucosRead more

Former participant of the House of Secrets José Miguel Fernandes conversation with Abreu Fabiano on the fear of failure

During the Philosophical Table broadcast on the Canal Novum 19 on Sep, the president of the parish council Irivo in Penafiel in Oporto in Portugal and former participant of the reality show "House of Secrets', José Miguel Fernandes, had a frank and spontaneous conversation with philosopher Fabiano de Abreu. this time, the topic was … Read more

September Yellow: philosopher evaluates youth anxiety and its relation to the high suicide rate

Fabiano de Abreu. Photo: MF Global Press.

According to the World Health Organization (OMS), 800 thousand people commit suicide every year worldwide, and this has been the leading cause of death among young people 15 and 29 years, more than cancer, AIDS and malaria, including Brazil. The numbers are alarming, and explain the creation … Read more

Fabiano de Abreu philosopher points out that one must be free from lust to achieve happiness

Fabiano de Abreu. Photo: MF Global Press.

Lust or lechery (from Latin, playfulness) is an emotion of intense desire for the body and for the pleasure. According to Catholic doctrine, it is one of the seven deadly sins and consists of clinging to carnal pleasures, corruption of manners, culminating in extreme sexuality and sensuality. However, o que aos olhos carnais pode parecer uma explosão de deleites e prazeres e aosRead more

Philosopher shows how to use anger to their advantage to win

Fabiano de Abreu. Photo: MF Global Press.

Anger or rage is one of the most intense emotions that are experienced and frequent. tempestuous, for many psychologists, neuroscientists and experts in the field, It is considered a basic emotion that can be broadly defined as an intention to harm and harass someone, but it can also be associated with various psychopathologies, taisRead more

Day Philosopher: The work of the philosophy of professional, by Fabiano de Abreu

Fabiano de Abreu. Photo: MF Global Press.

The Philosopher's Day is celebrated on 16 August. A simple search on what is Philosophy brings explanation: Philosophy is the study of general and fundamental questions related to the nature of human existence; of knowledge; the truth; of moral and aesthetic values; of mind; language, bem como do universo emRead more

It is envy or jealous? philosopher gives 5 Tips to live with jealousy and envy to avoid having

Fabiano de Abreu contribui com medidas que ele garante que possa ajudar os dois lados O Filósofo e escritor Fabiano de Abreu explora o conceito da dualidade contida na liberdade e teoriza que existem dois tipos de pessoas no que tange a escolhas: “Tenha a convicção de que escolher é perder, mas também ganhar. Exists … Read more

Good or bad luck may be linked to our “state of mind” ?

In my opinion think positive and see life in a positive manner attracts luck, and this has nothing to do with mysticism or superstition. The life experience I have had so far tells me empirically we see how lucky the favorable events, achievements, and everything that can be positive to … Read more

Philosopher Fabiano de Abreu says the phenomenon of people celebrating the tragedy

It is very common to see that before a fatal tragedy that the trend is to arouse popular interest in that particular event or personality involved. Whether on a highway when an accident happens or if the death of a celebrity who is published in all media outlets, the public interest is … Read more