Casa Europa partner of Flip 2019 brings thinkers from Europe and Brazil to discuss the future of Museums and Memory

A EUNIC (European Union National Institutes for Culture) in Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo, in partnership with the Frankfurt Book Fair, holds the second edition of Casa Europa at the Paraty International Literary Festival and promotes a series of debates on the future of museums and memory policies. The whole … Read more

Portuguese Language Museum organizes meetings and spoken poetry battles in the 17th edition of Flip

Vai Flip Slam poets from six countries gather, within the main program. But the Slam of the Portuguese language will open mic to the public, in the House of Culture. Museu também apresenta mesa literária com o angolano Kalaf Epalanga O Museu da Língua Portuguesa promove o primeiro slam internacional da Festa Literária Internacional de Paraty – Flip, … Read more

Paraty WINS space dedicated to music education

House of music, integrated into the House of culture, will be opened in 17 June and will increase program that meets today 1.150 residents of the city. No local, which also will host the band Santa Cecilia, initiation courses will be offered, training and music appreciation for children, adolescents and adults and practical classes of set. … Read more