#BUT Promotes: The Requiem Mass as a musical genre

The Museum of sacred art promotes, the Free Course: "The Mass of Requiem as a musical genre" with Prof.. André Guimaraes Rodrigo. OBJETIVO O presente curso pretende apresentar e discutir elementos fundamentais para a compreensão da missa de Réquiem como gênero musical, since its constitution in the medieval period, shaped chant, until the … Read more

#MAS promotes Free Course: “Introduction to Art History: From the Renaissance to the Vanguards”

The sacred art museum promotes a summer school on the theme “Introduction to Art History: From the Renaissance to the Vanguards”, with Professor. Plinio Freire Gomes. Divided into four independent modules, the course visit a wide range of art forms - from the Renaissance to the Post-Modern. historically, este arco temporal foi marcado pelo predomínio do pensamentoRead more

BUT promotes free course: Laboratory construction towards art and literature

The Museum of sacred art promotes, the Free Course: “Laboratory construction towards art and literature: To interpret as an expert” with Professor. Dr. Jose Luis Landeira. General objective – Develop strategies interpretation of art and literature, dialogue between the aesthetic dimensions, social, discursive, semiotics, filosófica e históricaRead more

#BUT promotes free course: “The Christian Iconography In Brazilian Baroque”

The Museum of sacred art promotes, the Free Course: “The Christian Iconography In Brazilian Baroque” with Professor. Horacio Marcos Gomes Dias holds a Ph.D.. GENERAL OBJECTIVE: The images of the saints are among the most pervasive themes in colonial Brazil, mainly by the religious orders and the secular religiosity. São os melhores exemplos das devoções pessoais e do discurso oficialRead more

Free Course: “Modern Art: Figuration and Abstraction” No MAS

The Museu de Arte Sacra de São Paulo promotes a free course on the topic “MODERN ART: FIGURATION AND ABSTRACTION” Vanessa Beatriz Bortulucce OBJECTIVE the course has as objective to present an overview of the aesthetics of modern art call, Since your Genesis, in the late 19th century, until the end of World War II. The … Read more

Free Course: Everyday life in the middle ages spaces between God and man

The Museu de Arte Sacra de São Paulo promotes a free course on the topic “Everyday life in the middle ages, spaces between God and man” with Prof.. Dr. Jose Luis Landeira. TEACHER PROF.. DR. JOSÉ LUÍS LANDEIRA is a professor at the Museum of Sacred Art in São Paulo, degree in Neo-Latin Languages ​​and Literatures … Read more

BUT promotes free course on “The contagious power of faith in JESUS CHRIST”

MAS promove Curso Livre sobre "O poder contagiante da FÉ em JESUS CRISTO". Disclosure.

The Museu de Arte Sacra de São Paulo promotes free course on the topic “The contagious power of faith in JESUS CHRIST, martyred and propagated by the Western Roman Empire and the East” com Father Dimitrios Attarian of the Antiochian Orthodox Metropolitan Cathedral. EXHIBITION “Easter of the Union” curated by Eleonora Maria Fincato Fleury. PROGRAM First … Read more

BUT promotes free course-Independent America: Art, Culture and politics

BUT promotes free course-Independent America: Art, Culture and politics (featured). Disclosure.

The sacred art museum promotes a free course on the theme "Independent America: Art, Culture and politics ", with Professor. Dr. Marcos Horácio Gomes Days. OBJECTIVE To present a study on the role of Art, culture and politics in American history, discussing the production, a circulação e a apropriação de representações queRead more

Free Course: The self-portrait in art history

The self-portrait, one of the genres of painting, permeates all eras and pictorial styles, becoming in some cases vital element in the careers of artists such as Rembrandt, Van Gogh, Frida Kahlo, among others. The course aims to go through the history of the genre, Since your time more remote replication to contemporary art, addressing the specificities of the poetics of … Read more

Procedures for safeguarding a modern residence

The sacred art museum promotes a free course on the topic “Procedures for safeguarding a modern residence: House Nadyr de Oliveira / Carlos Millan. Fabio Di Mauro Coordination, Mirza Pellicciotta and Vanessa Kraml. OBJECTIVE The objective of the course is to study strategies for safeguarding and conserving a modern house in São Paulo designed by Carlos … Read more