Paula Santoro, SIBA Trio and tribute to Baden Powell on 34th music workshop

A sight to remember the successes of composers Baden Powell and Boy, the Siba Trio and the voice of Paula Santoro with accompanying pianist Rafael Vernet are artistic attractions of Wednesday (20), in the 34th music workshop of Curitiba. The musical marathon starts at 12:30, in the chapel Santa Maria, with the … Read more


This Wednesday, at 8:0 pm, Ziraldo, Gilsse Fields, Chico Caruso, Ricardo Cravo Albin, Fagner and Marcel Powell will be at Espaço Cultural Cariocando to remember stories the duo's unusual Miele & Bôscoli. Next to the actor's Board, dead for two weeks, Opens the composer and journalist, who, If he were alive, complete, This very day, 87 years. Two copies … Read more