Luiz Martins – STEPS TO THE PAST

A BASE, by Daniel Maranhão, opens the exhibition “Steps to the Past”, by the multimedia artist Luiz Martins. Photo: Disclosure.

“every aesthetic manifestation forms, one way or another, a significant part of human sensitivity” L.M.. A BASE, by Daniel Maranhão, opens the exhibition “Steps to the Past”, by the multimedia artist Luiz Martins, with critical text by Agnaldo Farias. The show consists of 21 unpublished works developed in the last ten years, on paper, screen and … Read more

CAIXA Cultural São Paulo displays individual Iris Helena curated by Agnaldo Farias

Impressions of credit card receipts, bookmarks, toilet paper, adhesive reminders are supports for the work of the artist paraibana, based in Brasilia. From 12 th November of 2019 to 19 January 2020. Free entrance. A CAIXA Cultural São Paulo inaugura no dia 12 November, Tuesday, to 19 hours, to … Read more

Maciej Babinski - Pictures bristly

A Pharmacia Cultural – Stickel Foundation's exhibition space and creative activities center of all order and quality – has the privilege of presenting bristling portraits, the newest series of Maciej Babinski drawings, the mythical artist born in Poland in 1931, filed no Brasil from 1953, yet another involuntary contribution of Nazism … Read more

José Spanish apresenta individual did Dan Gallery

Shows TIUMMMMTICHAMM brings to the public eponymous series – set of sculptural paintings in acrylic -, in addition to an installation that takes the floor of the exhibition space In an infinite and uninterrupted exercise, Sea waves break as they approach the continent. At the same time they shed the origin, são também sorvidas pela areia daRead more

Brigida Baltar was the winner of Marcos Amaro Art Award

Initiative was a partnership between Fundação Marcos Amaro and SP-Arte Plastic artist Brígida Baltar, Nara Roesler Gallery, It was the winner of Marcos Amaro Art Award, what happened on 12 April, during the SP-Arte. A premiação foi uma parceria entre a Fundação Marcos Amaro e a entidade organizadoraRead more

"It's not clear until nightfall" Juliana photography Stein in the Oscar Niemeyer Museum

Gaucho artist showcase, that debut day 30/9 and integrates the Bienal de Arte de Curitiba, speaking of things that only we can see when we look a little aside ", According to author. Curadoria é de Agnaldo Farias Juliana Stein define a mostra que inaugura dia 30 September in the Oscar Niemeyer Museum, in Curitiba, como “umaRead more