strengthening project of the Rio Art Museum, held sponsored by BNDES, reopened on 24 August the new Library and Documentation Center SEA


reopening event will feature an extensive program that includes the opening of the exhibition "Mulambo – All our's", Creation of workshops aimed at different age groups, book launching, DJ and fair independent and graphic arts publications

Saturday, 24 August
10h to 6:00 pm
Free entrance

After a four-month break to be reformed, the Library and the Rio Art Museum Documentation Center, under the management of the Institute Odeon, reopens to the public on Saturday, 24 August. This reform allowed the deepening of the public dimension of Library and redesigned the vocation of this space, which now assumes a multipurpose function – reading, search, exhibition and cultural mediation. All these actions are part of a larger project of repositioning SEA, It is carried out with financial support from BNDES, by Federal Law for Promotion of Culture, and comprises actions in the various museum activity levels.


"The reopening of the Library is one of the highlights of the SEA strengthening project, because we know the need to have a competent cultural fabric, robust and can meet the various segments of society. It was very important that the BNDES acolhesse our proposal, understanding culture as a public policy component, is the democratic, in training, the awareness and full exercise of cultural citizenship. Through this partnership, We deliver to the public a space to be enjoyed by all, besides being an environment for study, work and bibliographic also an exhibition space for young artists to express themselves in various languages ​​", explains Eleonora Santa Rosa, executive director of the museum.

Having the largest collection of country artist books, the resumption Library its activities with a new exhibition environment called Space Ear, which will be inaugurated with the opening of the exhibition "Mulambo – All our's", first solo artist shows Mulambo. The free event will also feature an exhibition of independent and graphic arts publications, book launching, origami workshop for children, workshop artist and artistic bookbinding for adults and adolescents, and DJ soiree.

The works in the Library and Documentation Center MAR increased 100% the storage capacity of the collection – composed about 25 thousand items -, besides offering more seats to users, spaces more reading rooms, place for study groups meeting and exhibition space, among other news. It begins also with the reopening of the Library a project sponsored by the BNDES involving the migration of Bibliographic and Archival collection for an updated system of consultation and cataloging, process that will lead to the curatorial policy of acquiring and disposing of the Library, to be carried out by a working group composed of SEA professionals and guests.

general programming | 10h to 6:00 pm

>> At the library

  • Opening of the exhibition "Mulambo – All our's"| 10h to 6:00 pm

Inaugurating the Space Ear, new exhibition room of the Library and Documentation Center SEA, the first solo exhibition of the artist Mulambo meet made drawings and paintings in different media, as paper, cardboard, surf board, flag, among others, that dialogue with the daily life of the city and its identity relations. The Artist, who grew up between Saquarema and São Gonçalo, It works from the powers of refund, seeking recovery of peripheral symbols exist in Rio de Janeiro. according Mulambo, his work "was born of the need to find a place. A place where one goes barefoot and art with his feet on the ground, because it has no museum in the world as the home of our grandmother. Therefore, I speak of people like me, using materials that meet in places where I live ".

Curated By: Team Curatorial and Research SEA

  • Book launch Boy Movement, Sandra Santos and Denise Calasans + Creation workshop: Step up and Move | 10h to 12:00
    With Maria Rita Valentine and David Benaion
    Age group: 6 to 9 years – 20 vacancies


Starting technique origami, participants will experience the folding to make the paper takes the form of some animals. Carrying this origami logic to the body, how many folds our body has? What new possibilities our body can have with new folding? We can play to make art, as well as the boy Movement, folding the paper and redoubling in the play and movement.

About the book boy Movement

With about of 20 illustrations, the publication boy Movement, aimed at children, It is inspired by the childhood educator Teixeira, in Caetité, in Bahia. Stimulating the imagination and curiosity in learning, the authors proposed a dialogue of sciences, of the arts, nature and culture in everyday childhood training.

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  • Artist Book Mulamba workshop | 14h to 4:0 pm
    With André Vargas and Priscilla Souza
    Age group: from 14 years – 20 vacancies

Having cardboard and red paint, black and white as support for making artists' books, this workshop will be a dialogue with the aesthetics and ethics of the artist's work Mulambo - whose exhibition opens at the Library MAR on the same day -, where historical and social issues of characters from popular culture can be revisited, investigated, inventoried and covered with new meanings.

  • Binding artistic workshop | 15h to 6:00 pm
    Leah Furtado, lever, and participation of Cassia de Mattos
    Age group: from 14 years – 10 vacancies

Participants will learn the materials and binding kits made by hand by the lever and learn how to use them in the sewing process in a series of notebooks with little chain point and finish Recouro. You do not need prior experience with sewing to participate.

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>> on stilts

  • Fair School – Independent Graphic Arts and Publications in SEA | 10h to 6:00 pm

organizers invited: The workshop Press, Croup publisher and Atelier Health

The fair will bring together around 25 exhibitors who will present to the public for marketing graphic works, poster, independent publications, books and artist's books. Throughout the day there will be soiree with reading of poems and guest authors attending the fair. There will also be the Bureau Voodu, an offering of Ghost Fair (Ana Luiza Fonseca), offering service to artists who want to get their hands on the doll, queries to the oracle on professional themes for those who want pitaco in your project, ideas, references, listening or opinions.

Exhibitors: The Bubble - Lever – Atelier Health – Literary autonomy - Cajucadernos - Cali Nassar – Home 27 - Power House - Culture and Barbarism - EAV for todes - Publisher Corner - Fairy Inflated - Croup - Jabuticaba - Blue Cabinets Editions - Macondo - Malê - Voodu table - Nano Publisher - Nave Dantes - Workshop Prelo - Cat's Eye - Pade Editorial - Popcorn Press - Quaseeditora - chelonian - rebus - Reliquary – Seal Donkey

  • Universal Music Black – musical sets with DJ Marcello MBGroove (Vinyl Collective is art) | 14h to 6:00 pm

Using its vast collection of vinyls, Marcello MBgroove draws a rhythmic panel based on various black cultures around the globe. Through its research, DJ brings to our programming mix of styles and sonic aesthetic that, at the same time, present and honor the musical production of black matrix.

Time: Saturday, 24 August | 10h to 6:00 pm
Free entrance | PG
Address: Praca Maua, 5 - Center.


The Art Museum of the river-SEA

An initiative of Prefeitura do Rio in partnership with Fundação Roberto Marinho, the sea has activities that involve collecting, registration, search, preservation and return of cultural property to the community. Proactive support space education and culture, the museum was born with a school - the School Look -, whose proposal is innovative museological: foster the development of an educational program of reference for actions in Brazil and abroad, combining art and education from the curatorial program that guides the institution.

The sea is managed by the Odeon, a social organization of culture. The museum has the Globe Group as maintainer, the Equinor as master sponsor, Bradesco Seguros as sponsor, BNDES as financial backer and Rede D'Or St. Louis as a supporter of exhibitions through the Federal Law on Cultural Incentives.

The School of the Look is sponsored by City Hall of Rio de Janeiro, Secretaria Municipal de Cultura, Dataprev, TNA, In Group Press and BNY Mellon through the Municipal Law of Cultural Incentive – Law of the ISS and Machado Meyer Lawyers via Federal Law on Cultural Incentives. The SEA also has the support of the State of Rio de Janeiro and realization of the Ministry of Citizenship and the Federal Government of Brazil through the Federal Law on Cultural Incentives.

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