At the end of the classical phase, recitals of students take the 34th music workshop


A series of recitals will be held this Friday (15), in various cultural spaces, for students of the 34th music workshop of Curitiba, you go up to the stage to put into practice the results of one week of intensive courses and studies. The performances at the Palace of liberty, Paiol theater, London theatre and shrine of our Lady of Guadalupe meet piano classes, violão, children's choir, Regency of chorus and brass ensemble.

Giving students a chance to test your knowledge and experience the experience of stage is one of the purposes of the Curitiba festival, whose emphasis is given exactly the music training. At the end of each phase (classical and MPB) the schedule WINS individual presentations and with reinforcement of orchestras formed by participants.

Students of professor Fábio Zanon are among those present this Friday at the theater in Madeira Island. "Experience is very important and entirely for the musician educational. For them, is live a hearing professional situation. Even more into a theater as the Armory, to which few would have access it wasn't this chance given by the Workshop ", says professor.


The young Lucas Correia Lima, from 20 years, will be one of the highlights of the class teacher's recital Zanon. "Playing in public is different. Pressure, Adrenaline. But we go to school for that ", says Lucas Lima, from Pelotas (RS) and enjoyed the experience of participating for the first time at the shop of Curitiba. "I enjoyed because I had contact with other musicians and had a chance to meet other instruments, principally of ancient music. Tasted instruments that had never experienced, as the lute ", said.

Another will be the recitalist student Lucas Vieira, from 21 years. Born in São Paulo and accustomed to other festivals, Lucas considered the workshop a lot "cozy" and the level of teachers "incredible". He also sees the hearings with ease. "Part of learning. The stage is the final stage of the work. You study music to share with people ", said.

Ancient music – In addition to recitals of students, another program this Friday is the concert of ancient music teachers, What happens to 8:30 pm, in the chapel Santa Maria. The repertoire, the "Orchestral Suite" of Jean-Féry Rebel, the "Te Deum" by Marc-Antoine Charpentier, "De Profundis" of Michel-Richard de Lalande and works of Jean-Philippe Rameau. The classical phase of the 34th music workshop ends this Saturday (16), with the presentation of the Symphony Orchestra and Chorus. The phase of Brazilian popular music starts right away, on Sunday (17), with the concert of the Orchestra String based Pife Muderno and.

Partners -Held by the Municipal Government and the Cultural Foundation of Curitiba, Curitiba Institute for art and culture (ICAC), the music workshop 2016 has the sponsorship of Copel, support master from PUC-Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná, support of the Bank of Brazil and cultural support of the Centro Cultural Teatro Guaíra, Consulate General of United States in São Paulo, Consulate General of Poland in Curitiba, Curitiba Hostel, Family Flour, And-Paraná, School of music and fine arts of Paraná, Faculty of Arts of Paraná, Lumen FM, Secretary of State for Culture, SESC da Esquina and Paço da Liberdade, UFPR/Dean of extension and culture.

34th music workshop of Curitiba
Piano recital-teachers ' Classes Olga Kiun, Cláudio Soares and Nahim Marun
Local: Paço da Liberdade-Generous Square Marques
Date and time: 15 January, às 18h30
Entrance: free
Guitar Recital-Class of professor Fábio Zanon
Local: Paiol Theater-Guido Viaro Square, s/nº
Date and time: 15 January, às 18h30
Entrance: free
Closing concert of the children's choir and conducted by Adult Choir. Teachers Ana Yara Fields, Mara Campos and Lucy Steps
Local: London Theatre-Curitiba Memorial
Date and time: 15 January, at 19h
Entrance: free
Concert with the Brass Ensemble. Direction of professor Marco dos Anjos
Local: Shrine of our Lady of Guadalupe – Senator Square Belt, 128 - Center
Date and time: 15 January, at 8:30 pm
Entrance: free
Ancient Music
Local: Chapel Santa Maria-R. Counselor Laurindo, 273
Date and time: 15 January, at 8:30 pm
Tickets: R$ 10 e R$ 5

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