Exhibition "Animals portrayed in nature" by Edmundo Cavalcanti

Edmundo Cavalcanti é Artista Plástico, Colunista de Arte e Poeta.
Edmundo Cavalcanti is a Visual Artist, Art Columnist and Poet.

"Animals portrayed in nature", this is the theme of the group show what is happening in Shopping Butantã / SP in partnership with ABRASCI, that occurs within days 30 October 2018. With the direction of Samir Chelala and curated by Waldirene Morais Chelala.

This exhibition takes place during the month of October, where we celebrate the Feast of Saint Francis of Assisi, The animal guard.

Each participating artist show sought to portray the animals according to their vision and their feelings of love and admiration for the Pets, whatever their species.


Because the term PET?

Everyone knows that pet means pet, and that the term comes from the English. But that, exactly, call them that, in English or Portuguese? Good, the truth is that the pet comes from a word meaning very cute, it's old.

The first records of this term used for pets are 1530, Scotland and northern dialect of England. And this pet time was used as a synonym for "favorite animal".

And, of course, if we analyze in Portuguese, animal estimation we were in love, you mean like, love, to appreciate. In other words, anyway, the terms are fully compliant with our feeling for them!

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Animal Collective Exhibition portrayed in nature.
Direction: ABRASCI - Samir Chelala – Curator Waldirene Morais Chelala.
Local: Shopping Butantã.
Av. Prof. Francisco Morato, 2718 - Butantã – Sp/Sp – Floor 0 Prox.ao Lounge.
Visitation: from 05 to 30 of October.
Every day from the 09HR 22:00 hrs.
Free Entry.


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São Paulo – Brasil
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E-mail: cavalcanti.edmundo@gmail.com

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